Page 41 of Easton
“I think it’s also because he’s comfortable with you. And he knows you’re going to protect and take care of him.”
I roll my eyes, but at the same time, I get a tingling in my chest at the thought. I want them both to be able to count on me. To feel loved because of me. “Sorry the dinner got cold,” I change the subject.
“I had my dick inside you, East. I don’t give a shit about the food.”
“It’s a great ass.” I shrug.
“It is.” He wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses the side of my neck. He’s so…touchy-feely. Like we’re doing more than just fucking, like we’re in some kind of relationship, or hell, as if he just likes to be close to me.
I can’t deny there’s a part of me that wants to lean back into him, that has felt empty ever since he pulled out of me, and that emptiness is like an echo chamber inside me.
“We gonna eat, or are you trying to fuck me again? Can you get it up that fast?”
“I’m not trying to fuck you. I just wanted to kiss you.”
“Well, it’s weird.” I scoop fried rice, chicken, and veggies onto two plates.
Archer chuckles. “You have a strange idea of what’s weird.”
“Warm yours up first.” I point to the microwave. Archer gives me a dumb smile that I don’t even understand the reason for, but then does as I say.
I get us drinks, warm my food up, and then we sit down at the small table together.
He takes a bite…and so do I. He doesn’t say anything, so I don’t either, and we just…eat in silence.
Ask him how his day at work was, you dork.
Not now, El.
He takes another bite and shoots me a grin.
“How was…work?” Christ, I sound like a fucking idiot. Is this my first time having a conversation with another human or what?
“There was that accident. Two passengers were injured pretty badly. One…I don’t know if she’ll make it. Fire department came out, and Cora was working. I hate that she has to see that shit.”
I nod. It’s not something I ever really thought about—Archer running into his family at work that way.
“She’d kick my ass if she heard me saying something like that. She’s damn good at what she does, and it’s part of the job, a career she loves, but…I guess I just want to protect people from the ugly shit out there.”
I’m not sure anything has ever sounded more Archer. “You can’t, though. Not really. No one can.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t try.”
“You two are close?” I still have trouble looking at him when I speak, so I pay attention to my food, looking down as I scoop some up.
“Along with Cass, she’s my best friend, yeah.”
Jealousy sweeps through me like a wildfire, burning everything in its path. I want that. Want it so fucking much. Ishould have always had Ella, and she should have always had me.
Flashes of memories play in my head.
The boat tipped over.
Ella in the water.
Diving in as Morgan came running.
“Hey.” His hand hooks beneath my chin and tilts it up.