Page 16 of Rewrite Our Story
“Are we really doing this?” I seethe, meeting his angry stare.
His eyes bore into mine. There’s so much I see in them. The biggest thing is pain. The bags under his eyes are darker than my own, making me think he isn’t getting much sleep either. His cheekbones look slightly more hollow, like he’s forgotten to eat the last few days. The corner of his eyes soften slightly as a resigned sigh passes through his lips. “No. Don’t tell me how many. I can’t take it. Not today.”
God. Even when he’s being a dick, he has a way of keeping a grip on my aching heart.
“I learned it on YouTube three months ago,” I admit. “When I was doing research for a scene I was writing.” I don’t tell him that I didn’t need to learn to tie a tie with Matt. He mostly left my apartment in the mornings wearing his white coat or a pair of scrubs.
His jaw flexes as his shoulders fall slightly. It’s like his whole body was tense and my words eased some of it. “I can tie any knot with rope and somehow I’m fucking up a goddamn tie.”
“The other knots are far more impressive,” I joke, trying to lighten the moment. I know nothing will be able to completely take the pain from his features, but I can try my best.
The slight twitch of his lips tells me maybe it’s working. “There she is.”
I crane my neck to look up at him. “What?”
“I got a glimpse of the old Goldie. The one I was so—”
“You ready?”
Cade and I both jump, taking steps away from one another like we’d been caught doing something we weren’t supposed to.
Pippa narrows her eyebrows looking between the two of us. Whatever she’s thinking, she doesn’t say it out loud. “Well, I guess I have one less room to stop by,” she mutters. “Are we ready to go?”
Cade clears his throat. “I am. I just needed help with the tie. You were nowhere to be found.”
Pippa frowns. “Sorry, I was checking in on Dad. But he’s ready to go. I figured we could all ride together? Cade, you’ll drive us?”
He nods, walking toward the door. He doesn’t even look back at me as he crosses the space and leaves the room. Pippa watches him leave, her eyebrows still pulled together as if she’s thinking deeply about something.
I run my hands down my dress. “I just need a minute to finish up and I’ll be down.”
Before she walks out, I stop her. “Hey, Pip?”
She turns to face me. The pain in her eyes has me bee-lining across the room and wrapping my arms around her. “I love you,” I say into her thick hair. “I love you so much and I’m here for you. You got that?”
She nods, her body shaking in my embrace. “Whatever you need today, I’m there. If you need a minute, just leave. You owe nobody an explanation for how you feel today.”
I let her sob into my shoulder. Pippa has been trying to keep it together for everyone, but eventually she was going to break. I didn't want her to be alone when it happened.
Maybe the same could be said for Cade.
I hold her until she pulls away and wipes under her eyes. She sighs, regaining composure. “Thanks for that, Mare. I needed it.”
I’ve never enjoyed beingthe center of attention. I would much rather fade into the background of everything. When you’re in the background, people don’t have expectations for you. You get to go on about your life with no one judging you.
I’m not given that luxury today. We’re sitting in the front pews of the church like animals on display as people stop to give their condolences before the funeral even starts.
It’s been hard to look anywhere but the coffin at the front of the church. I’m sick to my stomach over what it represents—the death of my mother. I shouldn’t have to help pick out my mother’s casket at twenty-seven. There’s still so much she was supposed to be there for in my life.
My wedding.
Coming home with grandkids.
Dad fully retiring so they could travel more.