Page 87 of Rewrite Our Story
“I don’t want to dwell on it. Let’s focus on us. Right here. Right now.”
I trail kisses along his neck, my hips grinding against him of their own accord.
Cade grips either side of my hips, pinning me so I’m lined up perfect with his eager, long, thick cock. “I want to focus on you right now, on the way your hips move against me in a way that has my cock eager to feel you. But…”
“But?” I push, trying to sway my hips.
“But I don’t want to just focus on right here and right now, Goldie. I want to focus on forever.”
My desperate need for him overtakes my body. Before I can really think about the impact of his words on my heart, I lean down and kiss him. It seems like I’ve wasted so many mornings not kissing him during the time we’ve spent apart. I want to make up for lost time.
Cade kisses me back with matched passion. His tongue claims me, plunging deep into my mouth as if he’s staking his claim.
His fingers thread through my hair as he gives me free rein to move my body against his however I please. I’m lost in kissing him, in the dream of keeping him forever, when the door flies open.
“My eyes!”Pippa screams dramatically, holding her hands over her face.
“Pippa!” Mare yells, sliding off my body. She tries to get off the bed but the discarded sheets tangle between her legs.
“Did I just walk in on my best friend dry humping my brother?” Pippa gawks, spinning so her back is to us.
Mare finally gets herself untangled from the sheets just before Pippa attempts to flee out the open door.
“Pippa, wait,” Mare pleads, looking to me for help. I grab one of the pillows from the bed and arrange it over the proof of how close I was to taking things past dry humping with Mare.
Pippa spreads the fingers of her hands covering her face just enough to see through the gaps. She looks between the both of us, probably making sure we’re decent before she decides to stay and listen.
“This was not how I expected to start my morning,” Pippa quips, letting her hands drop to her sides.
“We were going to tell you,” I explain. “We just hadn’t had the chance.”
Mare shoots me a look. Technically, we hadn’t talked about telling Pippa at all, but it was only a matter of time before we would’ve had to broach the subject.
I meant it when I said I wasn’t going to lose her again. I’m all in, and that means getting Pippa on board with Mare and me.
Pippa narrows her dark eyebrows. She gives me an inquisitive look. “You were going to tell me what, exactly?”
“Things between Cade and I have…changed.”
Pippa stares at Mare for a few moments before her gaze pops back to me. “This isn’t the first time is it?”
I shake my head at the same time Mare sighs.
“Are you mad?” Mare asks nervously.
Pippa is my sister. I know her well enough to know that I don’t think she’d ever be mad about something like this. She knows how to mind her own business. She’s not exactly a meddler, but I do think a part of her could be hurt that Mare and I kept a secret from her.
“No, I’m not mad. I just need a minute to process things, and we’re supposed to be leaving in”—she pulls her phone out from her pocket to check the time—“five minutes for a wedding delivery.”
Mare’s eyes widen in surprise. “Oh my god, I forgot.”
Pippa grimaces for a moment. “Please give me no details on how you were so busy that you forgot.”
Mare combs her fingers through her hair, trying to tame her wild locks as she looks around the room. Probably for some clothes.