Page 88 of Tempt Our Fate
“I don’t have to explain the meaning behind it to you,” Camden drawls, his body still right next to mine.
“There’s meaning?” I ask, unable to resist.
He kisses my cheek. He can’t be that pissed off at me if he’s doing that. Right?
“I have no words,” Mare admonishes.
Trying to change the subject, I smack Camden in the chest. “Sit back. And buckle your seat belt.”
“There isn’t a seat belt,” he counters.
Good point.
It’s silent for a minute or two. My mind races with what I could say. I don’t feel like I have to explain everything to Mare. It’s not like she’s made me privy to her entire dating life before—not that I’d want to know every detail because, ew, it’s my brother—but I’m also excited to have her back and don’t want to act like I’m keeping secrets from her. I just truly don’t know what Camden and I are. It’s been fun and nice to not put pressure on it. To just see what happens.
“I wanted to prove to Camden how great Sutten was. How we had talent right here in our lovable town and he didn’t have to bring in rich assholes from New York. One thing led to another, and now we’re here. He’s kind of a softie underneath that asshole persona.”
Camden laughs. “I’m not a softie.”
I smile. “You totally are.”
When Mare doesn’t say anything, I look over at her. I find her looking right at me, a slight smile playing on her lips. Normally, Mare isn’t one to ask other people’s business. She’s quiet and reserved. I don’t know why she chose today to dig into my life. Maybe it’s to distract herself from thinking about if she’ll make it to the airport in time.
It’s quiet for a while before Mare speaks up. “Just don’t hurt my best friend, okay? I don’t want to have to get away with murder.”
I snort, almost missing Camden’s deep sigh with the sound.
“What is up with people in Sutten and murder?”
Mare gives me a look.
I smile. “Rosemary already got to him,” I explain.
This makes her bust out in laughter. “My god. I miss that woman.”
“The whole town misses you, Mare. Do you think you’ll be back for a while?”
“I’m hoping I’ll be back forever,” she answers immediately.
I press down on the gas, sending Camden flying backward. I try not to laugh at the stream of curses from him. “Oops,” I manage to get out before cracking up.
Mare joins in. He grumbles in the back while I speed to the airport.
“Alright, Mare, let’s go get your man!” I yell, turning my blinker on and flying into the right lane before I miss my exit.
“That’s if you don’t get us all killed first,” Camden quips.
“Good morning, shortcake,”I say, walking into Wake and Bake on a Friday morning. I just got off a conference call that lasted over two hours, and I’m ready to see my girl. As if I hadn’t spent my morning between her thighs, eating her out at the breakfast table as she attempted to eat her Cheerios.
I’ve spent every morning with my mouth on some part of her for the past week. It’s been a week since our date—and our little adventure to get her brother and his girl together—and it’s been the most mundane, incredible week of my life.
I like mornings with her. I like watching her take her first sip of coffee every morning, watching her fuss with doing her hair to ultimately throw it up on the top of her head. I like walking or carpooling to work with her. Doing normal things together. We take our lunch break together whenever we can and return back to her place hand in hand every night.
It’s amazing. I love it. And I’d never imagined myself doing this every day for the rest of my life—especially in a small town I’d never heard of in Colorado—until her.