Page 136 of Redeeming Heart
My father frowned showing concern. “Is it about Brandon?”
I couldn’t lie or hide things from my dad even if I wanted to. Brandon showed up here ever since he got back from Manchester and my dad had to play sheriff making sure he doesn’t get close to me because my emotions got the best of me.
For the first time in my life, I failed to trust my instincts because they screamed at me that Ashley was up to no good and now it was too late to fix what I broke.
“Yeah, I messed up,” Badly and I had no idea how to make it right.
“Have you tried talking to him?” He asked.
I shook my head. “I don’t know what to say and I have to focus on my team for the following couple of weeks.”
“Start with I am sorry and see where it goes from there.” My father said coming over to embrace me with a hug.
“I think sorry won’t fix what I’ve done.” Brandon and I had a bond where it strived on trust and respect. I ruined it when I failed to trust him. It was going to take forever to fix it, but I was willing to because he is worth it.
“Admitting you were wrong is the first step to forgiveness, Sash.” My father said releasing me.
“Start by showing him that you can take responsibility and blame. A relationship strives on being equal and being open with each other. I believe Brandon is a good kid and will listen to what you’ve got to say.”
I wanted to believe what my dad was saying was true, but it was my mind that needed a bit more convincing.
“Come on, let’s get you to the airport before you miss your flight,” My dad clapped his hands against each other signaling that we were ready to leave.
I said my goodbyes to Meredith and Jonah before leaving.
My whole team was waiting for me when we arrived at the airport and my heart sunk a little when there was no sign of Brandon anywhere.
“So, we will probably see you in three weeks,” My father started breaking me out of my daze.
“Dad, I will understand if you can’t make it.”
He shook his head at me. “Your mom will have my head when I so much miss out on this.”
I chuckled and embraced him with a hug. “She won’t because she knows you are trying.”
“Not hard enough,” He muttered wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
“You are trying your best and that’s all that matters.”
I pulled away and gave him a reassuring smile. “We are here now and that’s all we got to think about. The past is over and gone. Let’s just focus on now.”
My dad’s smile wavered for a moment. “You are growing up to fast,”
There are days when I wish that I can have those three years back and maybe do them differently, but then I look at how far we’ve come and what I’ve learned from my mistakes, and then I am thankful I went through all of that. Those moments of my life saved me and shaped me into a stronger person.
“And you are taking forever to get hitched,” I remarked playfully.
He arched an eyebrow. “Are you saying that I should get married?”
I nodded.
“Meredith is a great woman and mother. She has proven her loyalty and love. All this time she stayed without pressuring you or throwing tantrums because she understood, but I think it’s time you give something back to her.”
It was hard to imagine my dad moving on, but that’s what my mom would have wanted. To see my dad happy again. He was at her side every step of the way and it was his time to find peace again.
“You have no idea how happy you make me by approving my relationship with her.” He said with tears in his eyes.
“It’s difficult, but you also deserve to be happy.” If I could follow my dreams after losing her then so could he.