Page 140 of Redeeming Heart
I rolled my eyes. “Duh,”
“Why did you run?” Jaylin asked.
“The walls were closing in—I was struggling to catch my breath and at the same time it got really hot,” I explained.
“For a moment I thought I was going to pass out from all the tremors going on in my body,” I muttered.
“I have been practicing what I was going to say to him for when I see him again, but that whole speech sprang right out from my mind when I saw him.”
“He must think I am a coward.”
“He is probably just as nervous as you,” Travis remarked from the front seat.
“I doubt it,”
“Guys are also cowards when it comes to embracing their feelings and emotions. Do you think we aren’t nervous when we talk to a girl we like?”
I arched an eyebrow.
“I was nervous when I first met Jaylin,” Travis confessed.
“My blood pressure went skyrocketed when Camille walked into my kitchen. It might have looked as if I was playing it cool, but I was sweating like a pig.”
I smiled when I heard Travis chuckle.
“Why would he be nervous when I am the one who is responsible for all of this chaos?” I asked looking at them for answers.
I met Travis’ blue eyes in the rearview mirror. “You are the girl he wants. He wants to make an everlasting good impression and wants to crawl into your soul—wanting to set up camp there forever.”
“Maybe he hates me for what I said and did,”
Corbin shook his head. “Time heals wounds, if he truly gets you and understands how your mind works then he will be back.”
He did leave both his Stanley rings with me and the first time he promised he will come back to me.
My whole team was at the housing when we arrived—listening to music and arguing about a game they want to play that will have everyone at least interested and keep them busy from dying from boredom.
“I’ve got cards,” Felicity suggested.
“We can play poker,” Clarissa announced.
“Like strip poker?” Megan asked frowning.
The team chuckled including Jaylin and Camille.
“Do I even want to know?” Jaylin muttered taking the deck of cards from Felicity.
“She doesn’t think sometimes,” I remarked ducking when Megan threw me with a pillow.
“And when she does, she thinks with her vagina.” Clarissa joked making me giggle.
Everyone helped to move the couches aside making space for everyone who wants to play and placing blankets and pillows around in a circle.
We didn’t have money to make bets so we used mm’s, skittles, and marshmallows.
“This reminds me of all the weekends we spend over at Jaylin’s house,” Camille noted picking up a card and adding it to her hand.
“Where she always won?” I asked going for a card.