Page 164 of Redeeming Heart
“Everything you ever said about her is true. She was beautiful, friendly, and quite someone to be around with.”
“How did you meet her?” I asked feeling flustered by her confession.
“Gameday, when your team was facing mine. She got lost in the school halls while making her way over to the field and she tripped over a jock’s sports bag.”
“Brandon and I were there to help her up, Brandon knew exactly who she was because she had that same look in her eyes as you and we’ve seen her a lot of times at your games yelling at the umpires when they screw up.”
I chuckled because that’s how everyone remembered her.
I didn’t understand why she was telling me this now. I felt relieved that Brandon could have at least met her before she passed away.
“Brandon made a joke about one day getting married to her daughter,”
“She was surprised with his remark because in her words you are quite the rebel who kicks against the ordinary.”
“He was convinced to prove to her that he won’t give up,”
My mother never told me about this. Why?
“I don’t know if this means anything to you, but she asked Brandon to look over you when she’s gone and we didn’t quite understand her request at that time because we didn’t know.”
My body started to quiver when I realized it was the year, she found out that her cancer was back and have gotten worst.
“She told him that you will run and hide from the world when she’s gone because you won’t know how to survive with her being gone.”
I reached for the counter when it felt as if my body went into shock and didn’t know how to keep myself up anymore. I felt paralyzed for a moment.
“Sash,” She sounded worried and rushed over to help steady me.
Tears were streaming uncontrollably down my face and all I could think about is how my mother approved of Brandon and asked him to look after me after she was gone.
She already knew that she won’t make it.
“Why didn’t she tell me?” I asked searching Clarissa’s eyes.
“She asked us not to tell,”
“You met my mother on the day she received the bad news—she already knew that she wasn’t going to win the battle.” Clarissa’s eyes went wide.
“It’s the day she collapsed,” I uttered with a hiccup.
Clarissa’s eyes went wide with shock before they filled up with guilt. “I am so sorry, Sasha,”
I shook my head. “I am not crying because I am sad or mad. I am happy because now I know something good came from that day,” Even if I lost my mother. She at least met the man I fell in love with and she approved.
It’s kind of true what she always said about looking at the bright side of a bad day.
Later the day after celebrating Brandon’s team victory I went home to spend the day with my dad while Brandon stayed out with Jonah and Travis for a couple of hours.
I finally had some time to catch up on Lucifer when Brandon, Travis, and Jonah came home and by the looks of the big smile playing on Jonah’s—I would guess that he was in heaven from spending some time with Brandon.
“Hey,” Brandon greeted coming over and plumping down beside me on the couch while Jonah headed straight to his room.
“Hey,” I greeted back—kicking up my feet and placing them down on his lap.
“Jaylin is in my father’s study helping Meredith pick out a dress for her wedding,” I told a baffled Travis who was looking around for his wife.