Page 67 of Redeeming Heart
They nodded at me.
“Good, now’s ready to kick some ass?” I held out my hand and waited for them to reach out.
“On three.” I counted down then we raised our hands while we cheered.
“Rebels!” Breaking apart and jogging over to get into our positions.
We stayed focused throughout the first fifteen minutes of the game. The guys were fast and their hits accurate, but we were one step ahead.
It’s not always watching where the ball goes but knowing where it was going next so you can cut in and steal it.
I caught coach Peterson’s okay signal and I informed the girls that we were going to level up on our game plan. The boys were lucky in the first half and their ignorance was showing, but it was time to take it up a notch and bring them back down to earth.
The girls got into their positions and this time when the ball got hit, we struct back fiercely.
Each goal had to be successful and communication was the key. We had to trust the handoff and defend until the goal was successful.
I concealed a grin when I caught the opposing team’s devasting expressions and how they couldn’t believe we were suddenly leading the game by two points.
I ran over to the side to take a sip of my water and take a bite from my protein bar when I noticed my father, Meredith, and Jonah in the crowd. He gave me a small wave and for a minute I could have sworn he seemed proud, but I didn’t stay to find out as I had to get back to the game.
“What’s wrong? It looks as if you’ve seen a ghost.” Clarissa asked, sensing my shocked state.
“I’m good,” I gave her a reassuring smile.
“Let’s finish this game with a win.”
“Oh, hell yeah!” She jogged after me and we finished the game on a high note.
“Seems like we are keeping the field,” Megan said with a snicker when we embraced each other after the match came to an end.
We raised our hockey sticks in the air and pressed them against each other while cheering.
“Whoever said girls aren’t fast or good enough has never met us,” Briana exclaimed.
I chuckled with the team and headed over to shake hands with the losing team.
“We just needed five minutes and we would have won.” The captain remarked.
I controlled the urge to roll my eyes.
“Whatever you say.” I shook his hand and left to celebrate our win with the girls.
“So, what’s next captain?” Tammy asked, once we were in the locker rooms and had a chance to catch our breaths.
I shrugged. “Hopefully, we can compete in the Olympics next year.” I smiled when they broke out in exciting cheers.
We got dressed and left the locker room where we got embraced by fans who decided to stay behind. I pushed my way through and over to where my father was standing alongside Meredith and Jonah waiting for me.
“We’ll meet you two at the car,” Meredith suggested and pulled Jonah with her to give us some space.
“You were incredible out there.” My father said.
“I forgot how talented you are.”
I didn’t know if I should smile or break down in tears that he was here.
“How did you that I’ll be here?” I asked.