Page 83 of Redeeming Heart
The puck went straight through the goalkeepers’ legs and hit the back of the net causing them to win the game.
While they celebrated their win in the locker rooms, we headed over to get some food. We got snacks, burgers, drinks, and other stuff that wasn’t good for us. I was standing aside talking to Clarissa, Megan, and Daphne when Brandon and his team finally appeared from the locker rooms.
“Ugh, I hate that little tramp. She’s always here.” Clarissa muttered making us look at her.
“Ashley, who has been fantasizing about hooking up with him.” She explained, gesturing with her head to Ashley who was embracing Brandon.
“Why hasn’t he thought?” Megan asked.
“She’s not the one he has been crushing over.” When she said it, Brandon lifted his eyes and they met mine.
His team made their way over to where my team was waiting for their food. The girls didn’t even jerk at the realization that they were standing in front of us, they were more concerned about their food and lazing around.
“Nice game, Gladiators,” I said with a nod and shot Brandon a grin.
“Did you win, Rebels?” Brandon asked, walking up to me and stealing a handful of fries, and placing an order for another.
“Duh,” Clarissa said with an eye roll.
Brandon joined in when I chuckled. “I believe this, calls for celebration,” Brandon suggested looking at me.
“We thought you are going to say that, that’s why we came all the way over here,” I remarked with a cheeky grin.
“Ah, I thought you are here to see me play.” He said with a smile in his voice.
I shrugged. “That was part of the package.”
“So, it’s safe to say that’s a yes then to joining us at our awesome party?” He asked, arching a perfectly dark eyebrow.
“Did I stutter?” I questioned, concealing a smile.
“How in hell, did you manage to get everything set up without even being here?” Tammy questioned with her voice filled with amazement.
“We know some people who were willing to help out.” Jake came forward explaining and gesturing towards the freshmen who were already having a blast.
“You get college students to do your bidding?” I asked, feeling a bit displeased that they would misuse people like that because of their fame and so-called bragging rights of being the best.
I shook my head in awe at how easy it was to manipulate people when you are a superstar.
“Do you also get them to clean up after you?”
Jake shook his head.
“That’s Brandon’s job.” I know he was teasing, but I felt something else going on between them when they shared a knowing look. Brandon’s smile was different, almost cheekily when he slightly tilted his head and gave a nod.
I watched as everyone invited themselves into his house. Grabbing a drink and scattered like ants while I found myself glued to Brandon’s side.
“This your place?” I asked taking in the size and I was a tiny bit jealous that he had all of this freedom.
This is what I always dreamt of having one day.
My own place that I bought with my own hard-earned money. Have my friends over. Do what I please. Go wherever I want and come home when it fits me. Lazing around the house for hours if I don’t feel like doing anything productive that day.
“Yeah, everyone told me to rent a penthouse, but it works about the same as getting my own place.” He answered, inviting me in and showing me to the kitchen where he offered me a drink. I took a non-acholic because I wasn’t ready yet for that big commitment to alcohol as if yet.
I looked around, taking in the people who were hanging out in the living room, and then noticed that he had an air hockey table. It stood on one side of the room that nobody cared about and I took the chance to walk over without informing him.