Page 85 of Redeeming Heart
She shrugged. “A nightmare.”
He chuckled and then stood aside when Jake decided to join us. He wanted to say something to Brandon but paused when his eyes landed on Daphne.
“Who’s this?” Jake then asked and Brandon was long forgotten.
“How does that usually work out for you?” Daphne asked, showing close to no interest in giving him her name.
“Depends,” He said with a cocky smile. “Are you that kind who likes playing stubborn games?”
Even I rolled my eyes at his dumb remark.
“Definitely not your kind.” Daphne walked off and I almost laughed at Jake’s baffled and sad puppy look on his face.
“She’s into calculus, not idiots,” I informed him with a smile playing on my lips and met up with the girls.
“Is he always such a jerk?” Daphne asked when I caught up with her.
Briana, Clarissa, and Tammy gave her a questioning look. “Who are you talking about?” Clarissa asked looking from Daphne to me while wearing a frown.
“Jake,” Clarissa arched an eyebrow when Daphne said his name with annoyance.
“What did he do?” She asked her sister.
“He wanted to know her name.” The girls gave Daphne a confused look.
“She’s not used to talking to guys.” Clarissa clarified.
“Brandon’s a guy.” I reminded her.
Daphne rolled her eyes at me.
“Where’s Megan?” I asked when I didn’t see her anywhere.
“Are you even still asking after what you’ve heard today?” Briana questioned, quirking an eyebrow.
“The question we should be asking is where were you, Miss Undefiled?” I gave Tammy a deadpanned look and realized they have been talking about things that don’t bother me like they are bothering them.
“Isn’t there a thing called privacy anymore? Or even respect?” I wasn’t mad that they know I was a virgin. There was nothing to be shy about, but to be turned into a topic of conversation was just unacceptable.
I saw them lower their heads in shame as they tried to look at their drinks as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“So, what if I don’t do things like the rest of the world does, but it doesn’t mean you can talk about me as if you are writing an article.” I guess this is the hardest part of having friends and wanting to trust them, but then they do things like this.
I felt like walking away, but another party joined us and it was nothing I was looking forward to when I saw the impolite stare, she gave Clarissa.
“Clarissa Harrington, the wannabe who can’t get over Brandon,” Ashley said and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the girls getting up in unison.
One thing about hockey girls we always have each other’s backs no matter how upset we are with one another.
Clarissa gave her a bored look. “Says the one who isfriend-zoned.”
Ashley took a step forward but paused when I placed my hand in between them. I wasn’t in the mood for any fights tonight. “Let’s not start a fight, girls,” I said, calmly.
“Great, now you’ve got your captain standing up for you because you are too weak to do it yourself.” Ashley spatted with so much unwelcomed rage that I couldn’t particularly understand what the hell was going on and why they hated each other the way they did.
Clarissa’s fist came out of nowhere throwing a punch to Ashley’s face. No one expects it to happen and everyone gasped when Ashley hit the ground instantly. I shoved Clarissa back and away from her when Ashley sat up spitting out blood.