Page 7 of Surrendered to Mate
The thlii whirls around, its throat bulging ominously. I barely have time to duck behind a large boulder before a stream of fire erupts from its maw, the heat so intense it singes my hair.The acrid smell of burning vegetation fills the air, smoke curling around me in thick tendrils.
I peek out from behind my cover, assessing the situation. The thlii's eyes are still fixed on the tablet, its entire body quivering with barely contained rage. It's clear now that this thing isn't just some mindless beast - it's got a purpose, and that purpose is getting this damn tablet back.
"Alright, let's dance," I mutter, darting out from behind the boulder.
The thlii's reaction is immediate. It lunges forward, jaws snapping shut where I'd been standing a split second before. I roll to the side, feeling the rush of air as its massive bulk passes over me. As I come up to my feet, I slash out with my blade, aiming for its soft underbelly.
My weapon connects, but it's like trying to cut through thick leather. The thlii lets out a bellow of pain and fury, its body twisting unnaturally to face me again.
The stench of its putrid breath washes over me, nearly making me gag. Before I can react, its massive webbed foot comes crashing down, narrowly missing my head but catching my wing.
Pain explodes through me as I hear the sickening crunch of bone. "Fuck!" I snarl, stumbling back. My left wing hangs uselessly at my side, effectively grounding me. This just got a whole lot more complicated.
I grit my teeth, trying to push past the agony radiating from my broken wing. The thlii's beady eyes lock onto me, filled with malice and hunger. I can practically see the wheels turning in its warped mind as it reassesses me as wounded prey.
"Come on, you ugly bastard," I growl, tightening my grip on my blade. "I'm not finished yet." This just got a lot fucking harder, but I'll be damned if I let this overgrown toad get thebetter of me. I've survived worse, and I'm not about to let some deformed monstrosity take me down now.
The thlii seems to sense my vulnerability, its bulbous eyes gleaming with what I swear is satisfaction. It advances slowly, savoring the moment. I back away, my mind racing. I need a plan, and I need it fast.
But I can't catch a break before the thlii attacks again. Its jaws open wide, revealing rows of needle-like teeth. I raise my blade, ready to fight to the bitter end if I have to. Vrakken can't die unless a god chooses to make it so, but I can be ripped apart, scorched by the sun, and adrift in an agonizing existence that is not quite living.
And this creature can definitely put me in such a state.
The thlii's jaws snap shut inches from my face, its fetid breath washing over me. I stumble back, my injured wing throwing me off balance. Fuck, this is not how I imagined my day going.
"Come on, you ugly sack of shit," I growl, brandishing my blade. "Let's see what you're really made of."
The beast's eyes flicker with an unnatural intelligence, tracking my every move. It's not just some mindless guardian - there's something more at play here. I feint left, then dart right, my blade slashing across its flank. The thlii bellows in pain, its massive bulk twisting unnaturally fast.
Its tail whips around, catching me square in the chest. The impact sends me flying, my back slamming against a tree trunk. Pain explodes through my body, but I force myself to roll away as the thlii's foot comes crashing down where I'd been.
"Fuck," I mutter, spitting blood. "You're a tough bastard, aren't you?"
The thlii's throat bulges, and I know what's coming. I dive behind a boulder just as a stream of fire erupts from its maw.The heat is intense, scorching the air around me. I can smell my hair singeing.
As the flames die down, I peek out from my cover. The thlii's watching me, its bulbous eyes unblinking. It's waiting for me to make a move. Fine, let's give it something to look at.
I dash out, zigzagging between the trees. The thlii gives chase, its massive bulk surprisingly agile as it weaves through the forest. I need to find a weak spot, something I can exploit.
That's when I notice it - a patch of softer skin just behind its left eye. It's subtle, but in the shifting light of the forest, I can see it pulsing slightly. Could that be it?
I change direction abruptly, heading straight for the thlii. It rears back, surprised by my sudden charge. I leap, my good wing propelling me upwards. My blade flashes out, aiming for that soft spot-
The thlii's head whips around faster than I anticipated. Its jaws open wide, ready to snap shut around me. I'm committed to the attack, and I can't change course now. As those rows of needle-like teeth rush towards me, I realize I might have just made a fatal mistake.
Icrouch low, my ears perking at the sudden commotion. The forest had been unnaturally quiet last night, and now I know why. A massive thlii thrashes through the underbrush, its bloated form crushing everything in its path.
My eyes widen as I spot a figure darting around the beast. He looks to be human as he rushes around the beast, slicing at it with a blade. He's quick, dodging gouts of flame that set the canopy ablaze.
The thlii's eyes glow an eerie green, sending a chill down my spine. It's not natural, not at all. I've seen these beasts before, but never like this. Someone's controlling it, pulling its strings like a twisted puppet master.
My fingers tighten around my bow as I watch the creature's unnatural movements. Whatever's happening here, it's bad news for all of us in this forest.
I nock an arrow, but hesitate. The man's movements are too erratic. I can't risk hitting him.