Page 5 of Ruthless Royalty
“Well, I’m happy to hear that you slept well,” she says, but even as she sounds happy, I can hear the way she’s holding back. Is she expecting me to make a run for it this morning?
I decide to eat something before talking to her so I can concentrate better on what I’m going to say. I freaked out yesterday and understandably so, but today I’d rather not disrespect her or mock her decisions.
Even though she’s now given me a step-father who is agoddamn criminal and I might die if people find out. Nothing major, you know.
“Mom, you can relax. I’m fine now, I promise,” I say when I can’t take the silence anymore. “I was shocked yesterday, but I’m sure you can understand why.”
My mom bites her bottom lip and nods. “I should have told you everything, but I had no idea how to. Everyone judged me when I chose Dmitri, I guess I … didn’t want you to judge me, too.”
Great, now I’m feeling guilty because I know I would definitely have judged her before I even met Dmitri. From what I could see yesterday, my mother is incredibly happy with this man, and the way he looks at her makes me nauseous and happy for her at the same time.
I place my hand over hers. “I’m sorry, mom, and I understand now. But I think I’ll have to get used to … you know …” I trail off, not wanting to say the M-word out loud. “And I’ve decided that if you think I’ll be safer at Willow Bridge, then I’ll go there instead of RISD.”
My mother’s eyes light up at my decision, and she pulls me into another hug. “Oh, Dmitri will be so happy to hear that! Thank you, sweetheart. I promise we’re only trying to do what’s best for you,” she says, then she leans back again and takes both my hands.
“I don’t doubt that,” I say with a smile, but somehow it doesn’t feel genuine.
“I promise you’ll get the best education there, honey. Dmitri’s friends and associates all have their children there, so it’s the safest place for you,” she adds happily, not realizing what she’s just admitted to me.
Holy shit, they’re sending me to an honest-to-God Academy with kids who grew up in the Mafia. I’m going to be entering a shark tank while nursing a still bleeding wound; one whiff of me and they’ll know I’m an outsider.
I’ll have to learn to hold my own come September, so I don’t get chewed up and spat out. Thank fuck Amy made me take Krav Maga with her back in London. Looks like I’ll need to brush up on whatever skills I had back then.
“Say, mom,” I start. “Is there a gym in this place?”
Ihaven’t seen Nikolai for nearly three weeks and it’s honestly freaking me out. We had dinner as a ‘family’ the day after I arrived and ever since then I’ve slept with my door locked. But he hasn’t even been home, and I’ve been nothing but a ball of anxiety because what if he just pops up randomly?
I’ve scheduled the day for lifting, and I hate that my mind isn’t here. The last thing I want is for a dumbbell to fall on my head because my stupid step-brother decides to surprise me. And I know he would, too. He’s an ass like that.
My mother arranged one of Dmitri’s men to help me, and I learned later on that he’s actually my honest-to-God bodyguard.
Wayne; good guy, doesn’t say much and is a lot of help when sparring. The strong silent type, like men should be. 10 / 10 would totally recommend.
Oh, don’t look at me like that, I know you think the same.
After applying the chalk to my hands, I get below the bar and Wayne reminds me to keep my posture before I start lifting. The first five reps are easy and Wayne gradually adds more weight, but he always keeps them above what I can take.
My last rep is a bit more difficult, but I push through until I’m done. After he helps me return the weight to the bar, I lay there, breathless and know my body will hurt tonight. It will be worth it, though; nothing better than workout pain.
“Thanks, Wayne, it’s getting easier. I actually enjoyed that last round,” I say with my eyes closed while trying to catch my breath.
“Oh, trust me, I enjoyed the view myself.”
My heart leaps into overdrive and when I open my eyes, it’s not Wayne’s brown eyes staring down at me, but Nikolai’s icy-blue ones. He’s wearing that god-forsaken smirk again, too.
I sit up quickly and spin around to face him, noticing that he’s not alone, and that Wayne is standing by the door. How the heck didn’t I hear them come in?
“What the hell, Nikolai?” I say, knowing I’m not even sounding intimidating at all. I’m sweaty, out of breath and looking at two people who I’m pretty sure were carved by the Gods themselves.
Nikolai brought in a guy as muscular and tall as him, with the same tattoo on the side of his neck, as well as tattoos down his left arm. He has dark eyes, dark curls that brush his shoulders and looks like he’s in the sun all day.
In short, the guy is hot as hell and has a better tan than me.
“Thought you could do with some help,” Nikolai says with a grin and I feel his eyes raking over my body. I’m only wearing black gym shorts and a sports bra, but the way he’s looking at me makes me feel naked.
“I was doing just fine with Wayne, thank you very much. And if you could kindly not look at me like that and go away,” I say, crossing my arms and turning around to head to the treadmill.