Page 2 of Judging Duke
“You did something,” he shouted. “Robbie wouldn’t have climbed up there if not to impress you. He fucking looked up to you, Duke.” He stood mere inches away from me, his hot breath on my face, spittle wetting my cheeks.
He pushed my chest, and I staggered backwards.
Simon was a couple of years older and bigger than me by a good few inches. He worked out regularly, and I was a scrawny school kid. No match for him.
But he pushed and pushed, getting into my space. His knuckles digging harder into my chest each time.
Who the fuck did he think he was?
I squared up to him, and the next time he pushed, I braced myself, ready for it.
He stared down at me, and I saw nothing but hatred in his eyes.
“You’ll go down for this, Duke. I’ll fucking make sure of that.”
“I. Did. Nothing.” I clenched my jaw and stared back at him. I wouldn’t let him intimidate me.
A distant siren brought us out of our trance. He stepped away and headed back to his brother, kneeling once again by his side.
I wanted to go to Robbie but knew there’d be no chance of that happening. Simon had made it very clear that my presence wasn’t wanted.
A couple of paramedics jumped out of the ambulance as it came to a halt. They gently removed Simon from Robbie’s side so they could work.
There was nothing I could do but watch, concerned for my friend’s safety. He was alive but unconscious, and I wondered if he’d ever wake up.
Simon rubbed his face and paced, but he never took his eyes off his brother.
The paramedics continued to work, asking Simon questions. I saw him point to the roof, no doubt explaining what he knew. Had he been watching us? How had he appeared so quickly?
He wasn’t likely to tell me, and I decided there and then to make a run for it.
Simon would have no qualms pinning this on me.
It was time to go.
I disappeared into the woods behind the house, unnoticed, and ran hell for leather back to the pub where I lived with my parents and sister.
It’d be open for a few hours yet. Mum and Dad working behind the bar and my sister, Isla, collecting glasses.
I entered via the back door and legged it upstairs to my room, closing the door quietly behind me.
I leant against it, catching my breath. So much trouble was coming my way. What the fuck was I going to do?
When my parents found out, they’d have a shit fit and ground me for a year at least. I scrubbed at my face and paced.
Think, think, think.
I guess I could always go stay with Mum’s sister in Liverpool. I could get a job while I was there, help pay my way.
I’d need to be back in September when my college course started, and things might have calmed down by then. Robbie would be right as rain, joining me.
Yeah, that was an idea.
Seeing how he was tonight, though, I wasn’t so sure. I recalled the stillness of his body, how he’d not moved at all. Was he even breathing?
My palms were sweaty, and my stomach churned, threatening to expel the cider and vodka we’d drunk.
No time for any of that. I had to get out of here.