Page 44 of Judging Duke
I panicked. That wasn’t what we’d agreed.
“I think we’ll just stick to what’s in the contract. I wouldn’t want to confuse matters.” Not only that, but they weren’t my type, and with how things were currently, I had no wish to embarrass myself.
I nodded politely at them and watched as their hands wandered.
“We like people to feel at home here in our house,” Barbara continued, steering me away from the now kissing couple. “Everything and anything goes if you want it to. Cyril and me, we’re children of the sixties. Free love and all that.”
I saw what she meant. As the sun started its descent and the daylight faded, more people were coupling up. Who were these people?
By now, Cyril had rejoined us. “Just relax while you’re here. You look tense. We just want you to have a good time and earn a little money too.”
Pretty sure he didn’t mean charging for my services, or at least I didn’t think he did. They had agreed to a hefty sum of money for my appearance.
Again, being a porn star didn’t mean I was fair game. I had some standards.
“Oh, and here is the most important man here this weekend. Do you know he gives the most amazing massages? Cyril here had to tempt him with an inordinate amount of money. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”
She grabbed my arm and dragged me back over to the house, squeezing between tables and chairs before standing in front of a man who was currently becoming the bane of my life.
“Simon. I want you to meet Duke. He has the most wonderful hands, and isn’t he just the handsomest person you’ve ever seen? He’s turned down all our offers. I think he’s waiting for the perfect partner.”
We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, but in fact was mere seconds.
He nodded briefly. “Simon.”
Smart cookie she was, Barbara sensed the tension brewing between us.
“Do you two know each other?”
“Yes,” I said.
“No,” Duke said. I raised an eyebrow.
“Well, which is it, boys?”
Duke spoke first. “Wedoknow each other or did many years ago. We’ve barely spoken in fifteen years.”
“Then it’s high time you reconnected.” Barbara pushed us together, thinking for all the world that she was helping.
He smelt good though, and he looked fucking hot in his white linen shorts and fuchsia pink shirt. There was no denying hismixed heritage. His caramel-coloured skin looked smooth, and his brown eyes shone in the fading daylight.
Standing chest to chest once again, my cock stirred in my shorts. Could he feel it? His eyes widened, a knowing smirk on his face.
“Should we?” he asked.
I looked at him, wondering what he meant. “What?”
“Reconnect. Barbara seems to think it’s a good idea.”
Is that what he wanted? Was it what I wanted?
“I think it’s a marvellous idea.” Barbara beamed at us, thinking she’d made the perfect match. We were anything but.
“Oh, Cyril, I need another drink. Let’s go get one.”
Subtlety wasn’t one of her strong points, and we were left staring at each other, neither of us knowing what to do.