Page 49 of Judging Duke
“You’re welcome, and I know you think I want more from you, but I don’t. You’ve always been so kind to me. I can tell you’ve lived a life even at your young age. I’ve always said to Cyril that we should do something to help you.”
“I don’t need your help, Barbara. You don’t know me from Adam.”
“That may be, but I see something in you. A sadness when you think no one is looking. You put on a good show of hiding it, but I see it. Let me help you. Letushelp you.”
I didn’t understand what she wanted from me.
“There’s nothing I need. I’m happy with my life.”
And I was, mostly. Sure, there were things I could’ve changed, but those were in my past. I had everything I needed now.
“Well, you know where I am if that ever changes. But why don’t you tell me about Simon?”
“There’s not much to tell.”
“Seemed to me like you had a lot of history, despite what you said.”
“Can we do this another time?” As much as I appreciated her concern, I really wasn’t ready to unpack my relationship with Simon. Hell, even I didn’t know what it was all about.
First we were friends, then he hated me and now… I wasn’t sure where we were.
She patted my knee before struggling to stand.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just these old bones. You know how they get. That’s what you’re here for, to get me moving.”
I wasn’t sure that’s all it was. While she seemed her normal self, I could see her struggling more than usual. I was no doctor, but I’d do what I could, and if I felt there was something else, I’d tell her.
“If it’s okay with you, I’m going to head to bed. What time do you want me to work my magic?”
“Shall we say eleven? We film early, taking advantage of the cooler weather. As soon as it creeps towards midday, it’ll be much hotter. I’ll meet you at the gym. I have a room set up especially.”
“Sounds good to me. You get your rest.”
I leant forward to kiss her cheek, feeling her paper-thin skin beneath my lips. Old age stole so much from us, and memories of my own grandparents sprung to mind. Gone for many years now, I remembered my mum’s parents. They were always loving, looking after me and Isla when we were much younger. We’d never met Dad’s parents with them living in Jamaica. Dad had flown over for their funerals when they’d passed, the rest of us staying home.
“Goodnight, Duke. We’ll have plenty of time to talk over the next few days. I promised to take you to see the sights. I have friends in Monte Carlo we could visit. You’ll love it there.”
“I’m sure I will.”
My room was pleasantly cool when I entered, but I opened the doors that led to the small balcony anyway. A bit of fresh air hurt no one.
I was about to step out when I heard a hushed voice.
“Do what you can for him. Make him comfortable, please.” Simon paused before speaking again. “You know how he gets, and yes, I know how hard it’s been for him this time around. He was our last hope.”
I gathered he was talking about Robbie, but to whom? His parents? Carlos?
Not wishing to seem nosey, I turned off the light, throwing the room into darkness, barely lit by the moonlight playing hide and seek with the clouds.
I undressed, folding my clothes neatly. I’d not yet unpacked but would do that tomorrow after a good night’s sleep.
I lay naked under the thin sheet, feeling the soft cotton rub gently against my skin as I moved around. It felt good, and my cock stirred.
It’d been a few days since I’d last paid it any attention. My once healthy sex life had dwindled to barely anything. Since moving back to Liverpool, my pool of willing bodies haddisappeared, leaving me with nothing but my hand for company, and even then, finding the inclination or the energy to do anything about it was difficult.
Tonight, though, knowing Simon was next door, my cock was more than willing.