Page 7 of Judging Duke
“It’s never stopped me before. My offer to you is still open. I’d definitely make it worth your while.”
“You’re a good-looking guy. I’m not gonna lie. Damn sure you could have most anyone you set your eyes on.”
“Except Ethan,” I said, frustrated.
“Except Ethan. Go sit with him, work on him with your charm. I’ll bring your lunch over when it’s ready.”
I adjusted myself. Hopefully, my semi wouldn’t be noticed.
Fortunately, only personal trainers had to wear shorts. The remaining staff wore charcoal grey trousers and the trademark mint-green polo shirts or tunics. Mine was just long enough to cover my embarrassment.
I sauntered over as casually as I could.
“Room for a little one?” I asked, placing myself next to Ethan and slung my arm around the back of his chair.
Greg laughed.
“A little one. That’s funny.” Greg and I had been together a couple of times, and he knew I wasn’t exactly small.
Ethan looked at him, puzzled.
“What do you mean?” he asked, cute wrinkles forming on his brow.
Ah, the naivety of youth.
“Nothing, nothing.” Greg smothered a smile, and I glared at him.
Maybe Ethan wasn’t such a wise choice. He had to be at least seven or eight years younger than my thirty-two years. I didn’t doubt he’d had a less eventful life, but his innocence was like a beacon to me.
Perhaps he could just scratch an itch, and I could get him out of my system.
I had no desire to settle down, happy to be the ‘player’ as Adam said.
Settling down and relationships involved feelings and emotions. Something I’d vowed to never get entangled in again.
Fifteen years ago, I’d not only watched my friend almost die, but the infatuation I’d had for his brother, Simon, had also withered. A flower unnurtured will surely die, much as my puppy love had.
Feelings. They weren’t fucking worth it in my opinion.
“I don’t understand,” Ethan said again. He wasn’t letting this one go.
“Duke isn’t exactly what you would call a ‘little’ one,” Craig said. Another of my conquests. He and Greg had been as unconcerned with emotions as I was, having shared a threesome several months ago.
We were over it though, but I suspected Greg and Craig had continued to see each other after the event.
If I had a jealous bone in my body, I might have cared, but I was happy for them. Almost everyone I’d met wanted something from somebody.
I wasn’t the person to give it to them. If you wanted longevity, look elsewhere.
“What he’s trying to say is that I have a big dick. Is that something you’d be interested in?” Fuck beating about the bush. It was time to be upfront and candid with the guy.
I might be an emotionless shit, but I was as honest as the day was long.
He spluttered and looked at me, his eyes as wide as fucking saucers.
“I, er. Erm…no? I’m not into any of that gay stuff.” He looked horrified. It wasn’t that bad.
“More’s the pity. I think I could have changed your mind.” I removed my arm from behind him as Adam brought my plate across and placed it in front of me.