Page 84 of Judging Duke
“How dare you say such things?” Mum stood up, her fists balled at her sides.
“I’m only speaking the truth. I know you found it hard. We all did, but I knew something had to be done, or else Robbie would have spent his life in a hospital bed. At least now, with the money I brought in, he has a better quality of life.”
By now I was shouting. Dad was quivering on the sofa, looking terrified.
“You’re scaring your father.”
“And just when were you going to tell me about that, eh? Dementia? Alzheimer’s?
“He’s fine. He just gets a bit confused now and again.”
“Really? Fine?” I stood too, walking over to him. He shrank back, cowering from me.
“Mum,” Robbie said quietly, bringing the tone of the conversation back to something normal. “You know Dad needs help.”
The thing is, my parents weren’t old, although Dad had a few years on Mum. She was sixty, and he was sixty-four. They’d not met until late and had us even later in life.
She slumped back in the chair.
“I’m not leaving you high and dry, Mum. I’m not that cruel, but I won’t continue to fund your holidays. I’ve put my heart, soul and money into this family. I’m taking some of that back, living for me now.”
A tear slowly fell from her eyes. “It was just so hard.”
And now I felt bad. I went over to her and put my arm around her shoulder.
“I know, Mum, but I was his brother, not his carer. That was your job.”
“I failed us all.”
“No, you didn’t.”
I looked over at Robbie. Some support would be good about now.
Taking the hint, he drove his chair over to her and placed his hand on hers.
“Simon just needs his life, and we’ve been selfish for long enough, don’t you think?”
She wiped at her eyes with the sleeve of her jumper. “I know you’re right. It’s just a lot to take in all at once. The money side of things, I can understand. But this…”
She gestured towards Duke.
“He’s non-negotiable, Mum. He stays regardless of what you say or think. Duke is part of me.” I looked him in the eye, speaking only to him. “He’s always been a part of me. I just didn’t realise it until now.”
He smiled but stood up. “I think I should go. This should be a time for family.”
“You’re going nowhere. Step into the house if you must, but don’t leave. Not without talking to me, okay? We’ve a lot to discuss.”
I watched as he walked into the house, admiring his form and wondering how soon we could have a repeat performance of our last night in France.
“Hey, lover boy.” Robbie flicked my arm, grabbing my attention.
“Hmm? What?”
“Look at you. Finally smitten.” Robbie and his mouth. I would punch it, wheelchair or not.
“And look at you. Anything you want to tell me?” I eyed Carlos meaningfully. “Anything? Nothing going on there?”
Robbie blushed, finally lost for words.