Page 93 of Judging Duke
“These are amazing, Simon. Who knew you were so talented?”
“Hey,” he said. “I’m not sure if I should be insulted by that comment.”
“God, no. That’s not what I meant. These are truly…staggering.”
Bless him, but he blushed. “I just take some pictures and hope they turn out all right.”
“These are more than all right. I’m so proud of you.”
I leant across the table and kissed his lips, licking a drop of sauce from them.
“I won’t sell the ones of you. They’re for me, and I definitely won’t sell the few I have of Barbara.”
His eyes lit up, and I knew he’d had an idea.
“What are you planning?”
“Nothing bad, I promise. Now eat up, you need it.”
A moment later, the phone rang.
“Cyril, how are you?”
“You know, good and bad. I’ve been busy with the arrangements. I still don’t think it’s sunk in yet that she’s not here. It’s like she’s gone away for a while and she’ll be coming back soon with her sunny smile and saucy comments. You know what she’s like.”
I didn’t miss the slip of the tongue and knew from experience it would take a while for him to realise she was no longer here.
“I do, but time is a great healer as they always say.”
“Hmmm. I wonder how much time I have left myself now she’s gone.”
“Don’t talk like that. You have years left in you.”
“Maybe I don’t want those years now. She’s my world.” He paused, and I heard him sniffle. I couldn’t imagine how hard it was for him.
“Do you have an update?”
“What? Oh, yes. Of course. The funeral will be on Tuesday.” It was Friday now. We could make it there in time, no problem at all.
I told him we’d be there. He told us not to wear black, that Barbara hadn’t wanted that, and I agreed. I had little black anyway, preferring lighter colours.
I ended the call and wearily turned to Simon.
“The funeral is Tuesday. I’ll cancel my appointments.”
“And I’ll book us a hotel. It wouldn’t be right to stay with Cyril. He’ll have enough to contend with without having a load more guests to deal with.”
I felt numb still. Even my grandparents’ passing hadn’t affected me this much.
“Why don’t you head to bed? I’ve a few things to finish up here. I’ll be with you soon.”
Three more days and I’d have to say goodbye to one of the most wonderful people I’d known. Life could be cruel, but death was crueller.
Duke was subdued for the next couple of days. Barbara’s death had hit him harder than I thought it would, more than for just a passing acquaintance.