Page 98 of Judging Duke
I grabbed the drinks before they could spill.
“He’s a handful,” Simon said to no one in particular.
“He is that, but he’s my handful. I’d best go rescue that couple. It’s not Liam at all.”
I laughed as Marc followed his husband.
“Is he always like that? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone quite like him.”
“Sometimes he’s worse, but we love him. He endured a lot. Remind me to tell you his story. He won’t mind.”
I heard them return before I saw them.
“Yes, Marc. I know it wasn’t Liam, but he looked a lot like him, didn’t you think?”
“They’re in the States visiting John’s parents, remember?” Marc sat Ziggy down and placed his hand on his thigh, keeping him in place.
A crackle sounded, and a voice boomed out over the speakers.
“Welcome to the quiz. We’ll have four rounds of general knowledge, a picture round, a music round and finally, the bitch slap round.”
“What the fuck is that?” Simon whispered.
“It’s mean, is what it is. If you answer the question right, you can vote to remove points from another team, usually the one in the lead.”
“Fuck, that’s brutal. I thought pub quizzes were quiet affairs for nerds and trainspotters.”
“Hey, don’t let anyone hear you say that. It’s competitive in here, especially as there’s vouchers for alcohol as a prize. We take our quizzing seriously, now shush. It’s about to start.”
The next hour was spent in not so quiet contemplation of the questions.
Ziggy had a habit of shouting out the answers, much to Marc’s disgust.
“Quietly, Ziggy. Stop shouting.”
He bounced up and down on his seat. “But I know the answer. I know it, I know it.”
“I know you do, but use your inside voice.”
“He doesn’t have one of those,” I joked.
“Heyyyyy. I’m right here, you know.” Ziggy looked offended, but it wouldn’t last for long. He picked up a glass and took a drink, wrinkling his nose. “What on earth is that?”
“Water,” Marc replied. “You’re cut off.”
I looked over at Simon watching the exchange between Ziggy and Marc with an astonished look on his face.
“You get used to them,” I said, and I moved my chair closer to his. I’d had a couple of beers and was feeling like we should ditch the quiz and go back to my place.
Ziggy pouted, folded his arms and refused to answer any more questions.
Marc, Simon and I muddled through the next round, but our hearts really weren’t in it anymore. Marc was constantly watching Ziggy, and I had other things on my mind. Things that very much involved Simon.
“Ziggy, you’re ruining everyone’s evening. Stop sulking and play, and I’ll buy you another drink.” Marc stood and went to the bar.
“Fine. I suppose I could.” The cheeky fucker winked at me. How he got away with what he did I had no idea, but he had Marc wrapped around his little finger.
“We’re not going to win.” Simon took a drink from his bottle of beer.