Page 38 of The Devil's Dilemma
“Can you come up? I have something to show you.”
The lift opened, and I swung open the door.
“You have to see this.”
I led him into the bedroom and indicated a sleeping Austin.
“What did you do to him? Don’t tell me you fucked him.”
“Hey, what do you take me for?”
“You really want me to answer that?”
“He collapsed on the floor. I had to carry him here, but that’s not all. Look.” I pointed to the mark on his chest, still looking raw.
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s an angel mark.”
“Nope, still not getting it.” I forgot Conrad didn’t have the knowledge I did, having only been with me for the last five hundred years or so.
“An angel mark is put there for protection. Protection from the likes of me.”
“Still not understanding why he’s in your bed.”
I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to lose the little patience I had.
“I touched the mark. He passed out. I put him in my bed.”
“I need to know more about him. I especially need to know about his lucky streak, but now this adds another layer to him.”
“So, what do you need me for, boss?”
“Find out what you can about him and his family. Does he have any siblings? Where are his parents? That kind of thing.From what I picked up from him, he lives with his grandfather, but no idea of anything else.”
“Why is it important?”
“It just is. Please do as I ask.”
Austin stirred, a small moan escaping him. A fine sheen of sweat covered him. I touched his arm. He was burning up.
“Here.” Conrad handed me a damp cloth.
I sat on the bed and dabbed at Austin’s brow, trying to cool him down. The mark seemed angrier than before, but I daren’t touch it. Not after what had happened last time.
“I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
Conrad left. I carried on bathing Austin until he finally cooled down.
He slept soundly, no longer agitated. In fact, he barely moved. His breathing was so shallow I leant in close to make sure he was still alive.
I had no idea how long I sat beside the bed. Who was he? What was he? All kinds of scenarios ran in my head, but I didn’t come any closer to answers.
Was it a coincidence he’d ended up in my casino? Why did I feel a strange pull towards him? But more than that, why did he need protection?
“Have you even moved?”