Page 59 of The Devil's Dilemma
I winced at the name, but I’d got used to it over the years.
“It’s fine. Do you want mine too?”
He shook his head. “Nah, you eat it.”
He took another swig from his bottle, cleared his plate, and wiped his mouth with the cloth napkin.
“Fuck, I’m tired now.” He yawned and stretched. The T-shirt I’d lent him rode up, revealing a strip of white skin and a light covering of dark hair on his stomach.
I’d seen his body before, but why did I now have a flutter inside and an overwhelming urge to pin him to the sofa?
Not like earlier, when I’d choked him to death, but to kiss his abdomen and chest, make my way down to the borrowed sweats he wore, and slip them down his thighs.
Heat rushed to my cheeks and blood to my cock unbidden.
This was fucking ridiculous.
I threw my unfinished burger onto my plate and pushed it away. I was done eating.
“You should sleep,” I said. “Go to bed.”
He raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth, no doubt to argue.
“Not now, Austin. I’m not in the mood.”
“Take me back downstairs. I’ll sleep in the basement room.”
“You’ll do no such thing. I need to be near you at all times.” Fuck, that was not what I meant to say.
“Surely, I’m safer down there. Anyone could come in here, but it seems like the rooms downstairs have more security.”
He had a point, but I didn’t like that idea. Only a few had a passkey to the apartment, although the lift and stairs to the lobby were easily accessible.
But they would have to get into the casino first.
It’d been a while since I’d had to think so much about security. I grew excited at the thought of having something other to do than run the casino and the odd bit of mayhem Conrad and I got into.
“My bedroom. Now.” I was in no mood to argue.
“You’re not coming with me.” He walked towards the door.
“I don’t intend to. I don’t share my bed with someone who’s not willing.”
“I’d never share my bed with you, willing or not. How do I know you wouldn’t try to kill me in my sleep?”
“You don’t. Better lock your door, Austin.”
He flounced out of the lounge and into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
I made up the sofa with pillows and a blanket. Austin appeared again, picked up his bag, and retired to the room, closing the door a little quieter this time.
It was still early for me. I should be downstairs, not up here babysitting, but I couldn’t go down there looking like this.
I barged into the bedroom, doing my best to ignore Austin standing naked in the middle of the room. I took a shirt and suit from the wardrobe and, without saying a word, walked back out and into the bathroom, where I let out a breath.
I’d had many men in my bed, women too, but never had I wanted anyone as much as I did him. How I’d gone from hate to lust in such a short amount of time astounded me.
I undressed, willing away the hard erection forcing its way from my boxers. The door burst open, and in walked Austin.