Page 7 of The Devil's Dilemma
“Jeez, watch the horns, boss.” Conrad straightened and rubbed his head.
“It’s tails.” I held the coin for him to see. “Let’s get to it.”
We never actually got our hands dirty. That wasn’t our way, but with the power of suggestion, the tide that had turned in favour of the government slowly ebbed away.
For each government soldier who stood, we infiltrated their minds, instilling the notion that the government was bad, but revolution was better.
As each one looked to the capital and the palace where their president lived, we took that as a victory for the people.
Slowly their numbers grew until a sea of people marched in rebellion, intent on taking back their country and land.
Okay, so this time we were probably doing good here, but it wasn’t always the case. In fact, most of the time, we did it for fun because we could, with no care for how evil we were.
I was the devil, for fuck’s sake.
And those who died? Well, we sent their souls to hell. May they rest in peace.
As much as we’d had fun today, it wasn’t enough.
We’d been here all of two hours, and already boredom was setting in again.
“Do you ever think there’s more to life than this?”
Conrad and I sat atop a hill, watching the revolution unfold.
He shrugged, his wide shoulder knocking into mine.
“Why do you ask that? What’s wrong with you?”
He was my second in command but also my best mate, and we’d been together for the best part of five hundred years. Being the Lord of Darkness was sometimes lonely. Not everyone understood me.
Conrad did.
I’d watched him in battle, a formidable opponent, only to be killed by his betrothed in a cowardly fashion while he slept.
Good old poison.
I’d seen a need for his services, got an idea where he could assist me, and made him an offer he ultimately couldn’t refuse.
The rest, as they say, was history.
I sighed heavily and lay back, my hands laced behind my head, my ankles crossed.
“I’m bored with everything. Nothing excites me anymore. Remember years ago we’d cause wars and disasters? What do we do these days? Fuck all.”
“You have the perfect life. You have money and looks. You live a charmed life, even. No boss to answer to, and don’t get me started on your sex life.” He ticked each one off on his fingers.
It was true. I’d had sex with anyone I’d wanted to, and a few I hadn’t, but sometimes the urge was all consuming, and if it was offered on a plate, who was I to refuse?
I drove the best cars, owned houses, private jets, and yachts. I did what I wanted, when I wanted, where I wanted. Yes, I had no one to answer to, but it wasn’t enough.
“What do you do when you’re not with me?”
“I’m always with you. You’re my boss. I take care of you.”
“No, but when I’m asleep or in the basement or the bedroom, surely you’re not hanging around outside waiting for me to finish.”
“Well, no.”