Page 88 of The Devil's Dilemma
Conrad stepped up first, working his way through the men. The clanking of swords and knives filled the air as others joined the fray.
Dante held back. Why? He’d been straight into it at the park. Why was he standing still now, letting his men do the dirty work?
Then it hit me.
It was because of me and the fear of what would happen.
Not on my watch.
I released his hand and advanced, unsure what effect I could have, but I had to try. His men were fighting to save me. The least I could do was to stand tall with them in solidarity.
“Austin. No,” he shouted. The searing pain I’d felt before in my chest had me doubling over, but I fought through it.
I staggered forward, ignoring Dante’s shouts. I punched and kicked at anyone who came near me, knocking some down but taking blows left, right, and centre, but nothing compared to the excruciating pain that worsened as I moved farther away from Dante.
I picked up a knife, stabbed a man in the neck. The evil glint in his eye left me in no doubt he would have happily killed me where I stood.
He fell to the ground, blood spurting from the gaping wound in his neck. I shuddered. I’d done that, but I couldn’t stop. Not now.
The more I advanced, the thicker the crowd grew as if they recognised who I was. Dante’s shouts grew louder.
I chanced a look behind me. A look of pure evil contorted his face. His beautiful features were replaced by the terrifying expression of a man intent on killing everyone and everything in his path.
Knowing I was the cause made me uneasy, but how could I allow others to die, to sacrifice themselves for me because of who I was, because of who my mother was and the fact that she’d given birth to me?
A thought out of nowhere hit me, and a sense of calm came over me. This was the day she’d died, and I knew that this was the time. The exact date and time of my mother’s death would be the time of my demise.
A roar sounded behind me, distracting me, and I fell to my knees. A knife protruded from my chest. I looked up into the face of my killer.
How could he? How could he do that to me? We’d been through so much together, and here I was, dying at the hands of my best friend in the world.
“Why?” I choked out the only word I could.
“You killed the only man I loved. You killed Joel, and I can never forgive you for that.”
So this was how it ended. Not at the hand of a demon but at that of a friend.
The shouts got louder as I tumbled to the floor, my heart slowing as drop by drop, my blood leached out, colouring the ground a vivid shade of red.
“Noooo.” Dante, but there was nothing to be done. For the shortest time in my life, I’d felt the love of a man. The love that equalled my momma’s.
I should have been upset, but I knew I’d be seeing her again, and my heart sang with joy.
The crowd parted, and Dante appeared, his form now back to normal. Tears stained his face, something I never thought I’d see.
“I’m sorry,” I said, the pain in my chest gradually easing. “I couldn’t let them die for me. It wasn’t right.”
He knelt beside me and placed my head in his lap.
But where had everyone gone? He was the only one I could see.
“You stupid, beautiful man. Why did you have to do that? I could have kept you safe.”
“It was Freddie.” The last of my energy swept away.
“I should have killed him when I had the chance. But don’t worry. He’ll not see another sunrise.”