Page 52 of Ready Or Not
Blessedly, Riley doesn’t grill me. The only sound is the wind whipping around us and through the grass.
She lets out a breath, grabbing another cigarette. “He still alive?”
I swallow. “No.”
“What happened?”
“Renal failure.” I pick at the skin around my nails. I feel my pits start sweating.
Riley offers me a cigarette. I’m not sure why, but I take it. I don’t smoke, but I need something to do with my hands.
“We can stop at his grave next if you want.”
I glance up at her.
She shrugs. “I’ll schedule pissing on another grave into my day.”
I stare at the violent woman in front of me. She’s been nothing but aggressive and mean, but…in this second, she looks…kind. As I watch Riley take a draw and stare out into the desert, I get the feeling that Riley would believe me, even though I haven’t said the first two words about it.
Some odd part deep in my chest warms.
Riley glances at me, and I rub the back of my neck, suddenly self-conscious that I had left her offer hanging. I ask, “Is it a requirement to piss on it?”
Riley laughs, looking me up and down. For once, I feel her look isn’t calculated. There’s just enough of her dead eyes in it that she looks natural.
I crack a tiny smile.
She stands, brushing herself off. “Yep. We’ll rain-check it. C’mon, I’m not done raising hell.”
Who's a good girl? - Manic Kazzy
19 years old
I grip the edge of Riley’s porch, fingers digging into the wood, as I do a pull-up to get to her second-story apartment. I lift the rest of my body up easily. Quietly.
This is unacceptable.Thisis what she picked? Instead of our house, with the security system, the fence, and myself inside?
I stride up to the sliding glass door, and it pushes open easily.
Jesus. Adjusting the ski mask, I step into the dark room.
It’s late. I wanted to make sure Riley would be asleep. I checked out the floor plans before breaking in, so I know the exact layout. I turn left to head to the bedroom, but when I get there, Riley isn’t in bed.
For a second, my chest tightens. Where is she?
I stride back out to the living room, whipping my head back and forth. There. She’s on the couch, passed out. There’s an empty bottle of wine on the coffee table.
My dick hardens at the sight of her splayed on the couch, pretty lips parted. Riley has always been pretty, but now that she’s a grown woman, she’s absolutely stunning. Her breasts have filled out, and her hips are full and have perfect handles to grab.
I drop down on top of her, holding my gloved hand over her mouth.
Riley’s eyes flutter, and then they open. They widen when she sees me on top of her, and her whole body stiffens. My dick hardens further. Painfully. I never get to see her so helpless. So fragile.
Riley doesn’t buck like I expect. She just lays there, looking at me, which pisses me off.Fight, woman!
Something changes in Riley’s gaze, and she looks…distant—gone. I raise my hand off her mouth.