Page 104 of Mad Love
Hate that.
I hate school, period.
Hey, so I saw Sam this week, and he was quiet. That’s not like him. I mean, he doesn’t always talk about things I’m comfortable talking about, but he’s always talking. He was NOT that way this week, and when I tried to ask what was up, he said he didn’t want to talk about it. What am I supposed to do with that?
Are you able to call and check on him?
He doesn’t have a phone and we do all our scheduling through the program. I guess I could ask if they’d give me the number to his foster home.
You could ask if anyone’s heard anything about him. Maybe the people from the program have talked with his social worker or something. They probably wouldn’t tell you anything though.
It’s quiet as I think about it. I assume everyone else is too.
Can you set up appointments to see him?
I’ve never done that. I’ve just shown up when it’s set up for us. I know he’d like to meet more than once a week though.
You could try that. And ask if you could get him a phone so he could connect with you if he wanted.
Sometimes you have to ask specific questions for kids to start talking. And sometimes that doesn’t work either, and they just have to come to you when they’re ready.
I don’t know why I ever thought I could help the kid. I obviously don’t know what I’m doing.
Just be there for him, Penn. You’re doing more for him than you think you are. But for the record, I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time with my kids.
I’m glad it’s not just me.
When I climb into bed a few hours later, Sadie is sound asleep. My hands roam down her side and pause when I feel the soft lace. When I reach her ass, I feel her bare cheeks beneath the lace, and I inhale, trying to rein myself in. I know she was exhausted from her trip with the girls, but it sounded like she had a great time. Instead of waking her up, I pull her back against my chest and rest my hand around her tit. I ignore the way my dick tries to jump its way into her and force myself to think quiet thoughts. It eventually works and I fall asleep.