Page 111 of Mad Love
“You’rehere? Sadie.” He sniffs. “God, I’m turning into fucking mush and I’m not even mad about it,” he says. “I have such mad love for you, Chapman.”
“I love you, Shaw. More than I can even say.”
He lifts up his hand in theI love yousign and when I return it, he puts his fist on his heart, and we hang up.
They’re undefeated so far this year, in spite of coming close to losing several times. But tonight they win big.41 - 7.Everyone’s talking about it—will the Mustangs continue their winning streak? Could they win out? There’s only been one team, the Miami Dolphins, who’ve had a perfect season and that was in1972.
Weston and I celebrate like we’ve never celebrated before. If it weren’t for Caleb, I don’t think we’d come up for air.
If I’m all over every magazine cover for weeks to come, going to that game was worth it.
The doorbell rings and I open the door wide, grinning when I see my parentsandSadie’s parents. Clara pops her head around my dad.
“Got room for some stragglers?” my dad asks.
“Clara! I was hoping you’d make it. So happy you’re all here. Come on in.” I hug everyone and Caleb toddles his way towardhis grandparents, laughing when he’s scooped up. “Happy Thanksgiving!”
Caleb repeats his version of it in gibberish and we all go on over him like he’s really said it. Everyone carries the dishes they brought into the kitchen and then hugs Sadie. She’s been cooking for days and keeps adding one more item to the menu. It’ll be our parents and Olivia for the main meal, and then later, Felicity, Sutton, and Owen will come, and Penn, Rhodes and Levi, Bowie and Becca, and I think even Henley and the girls might stop by.
Olivia arrives a few minutes later and when Caleb sees her, he runs over and hugs her legs. She looks down in surprise and then bends down and hugs him.
“Hi,” she says.
“Hi,” he says back.
She looks up at me in delight, and I don’t remember ever seeing that expression on my sister’s face.
“I heard he was running all over the place at the game on Sunday,” she says. “Sorry, I didn’t make it.” She looks at Caleb again. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I wasn’t sure if you’d remember me.”
He smiles at her and does a long string of jabbering that cracks us all up. When she stands, he holds his arms out for her to pick him up, and I watch her physically melt. It makes me so fucking happy. I chuckle under my breath and she gives me a withering look. My sister is still in there, but when it comes to Caleb, she’s whipped.
He points at something on the counter and Olivia walks over there. When he sees the jar of his cubed peaches, he starts bouncing.
“Is this what you want?” Olivia asks, holding up the little jar.
He can only use one hand since he’s holding onto Olivia, but he does the sign forwantwith his free hand.
“He’s doing sign language forwant,” I tell Olivia when he does it again.
Her eyes widen. “Why is he learning sign language?”
“It helps babies communicate before they can speak. He only knows a few words. Please, more, want.”
“Hungry,” Sadie adds. “Most are all related to food when he uses them.” She laughs.
“Impressive,” Olivia says. “Can I give him these peaches?”
“Sure,” Sadie says. “We’re eating soon, but he’s probably so hungry by now…so yes, if you don’t mind.” She looks at me. “I think we’re ready for you to cut the turkey.”
“Let me at that thing.” I get out the new electric knife we bought for the occasion and start slicing. “I’ve never felt more domestic than I do right now.” I laugh.
Olivia yelps and I turn to see Caleb holding the now empty jar of peaches, a few peaches stuck to his soaking wet shirt. Olivia looks mortified.