Page 110 of Secret Love
She pulls back. “Am I gonna have to go stay at my house?”
I pull my eyes away from her breasts and look at her in alarm. “You want to leave?”
She laughs and kisses me again. “No, you big oaf. I’m not leaving. But don’t think I didn’t see how you tried to mask how much you’re hurting just now.”
“Because westopped.” I say it with a smirk and a playful tone because I don’t want her to know how fucking true it is.
But I don’t try to stop her again when she starts to put her clothes back on.
The last thing I want to do is guilt my girlfriend into having sex or staying here if she wants to go home.
“Maybe you should go home tonight,” I tell her after I’m tucked back into my shorts and sitting up. “Have a girls’ night with your mom or Sadie and Elle and Calista…I’m good here and the guys said they’d stop by later.”
Her lips part and she shakes her head. “I was teasing, Henley.”
“I know, but…you’ve been here for weeks and you don’t have to stay here every night. Take a break. Go have some fun.”
“Do you need a break from me?” Her forehead furrows in the center and I reach out to smooth it.
“Never. But go. Please. I’ll be fine here.” The more I say it, the more I’m convinced she needs to do this.
She frowns and looks around the room. She picks up a pillow that fell off the couch and puts it back in place.
“I guess I could use a trip to the house to grab a few sweaters now that it’s getting colder.”
“Okay, sounds good.” I pick up the remote and turn the sound up when I hear them talking about the Mustangs.
Tru clears her throat and when I look at her, she seems lost. “Do you need anything before I go?”
“Nope. Just…go already.”
She flinches as she’s bending to kiss me. “Wow. Okay, call or text if you need me.”
“I didn’t mean anything by that.” I shake my head. “I just don’t want you worrying about me,” I tell her.
She tries to hide it, but I can tell I’ve hurt her feelings. She leaves quickly and I feel like such an asshole. When I hear the front door close and her car start, my head falls back on the couch. And I’m not sure why now, but everything I’ve been holding inside for the past three weeks comes flooding out.
I message the guys.
Hey, guys. I’m sorry for the loss today. And sorry to ask if we can do a rain check on hanging out. I’m worn out and I think I need to crash.
We miss you! You sure you don’t need some company?
Rest. We can come over tomorrow.
I hope you’re okay, man. It doesn’t feel right, not seeing you on game day.
I miss you guys too. Let’s catch up another day.
And then I message Tru.
Hey, tiny dancer. I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve my foul mood today. I’m gonna head to bed early tonight. I hope you’re out doing something fun for a change. Let’s talk tomorrow. I love you.