Page 127 of Secret Love
“Trying to do my part to keep you hopping, Henley Ward. And that smile looks really good on you.”
The party is a success. Henley laughs more than he has in so long, and when we crawl into his bed that night, he sighs and turns to look at me.
“You make everything better, Tru,” he says.
“That’s how I feel about you too.”
“So, how long did Frankenstein and his girlfriend date before they got married?” He nuzzles into my neck and his fingers trail up between my legs.
“You’d have to ask him,” I say, already heating up from his touch.
I kiss him before he gets a chance to say anything else, too hungry for him to think about what’s next…
Exceptthis,right here, right now.
“I’m ready to move in with you if you still want me,” I tell him.
His eyes widen and he grins. “Really?”
“What made you decide that?”
“I don’t want to hold back from you for another second. Hearing the regrets my mom has for holding onto my dad all those years…I don’t want to regret a single thing. I want to be with you. Wasting a minute missing out on this beautiful thing we have because of fear or being cautious…I trust you. I trust our love. I don’t have anything to be afraid of when it comes to choosing you.”
He lowers his forehead to mine. “This is the best news ever…the only thing that would be better is if you’d become my bride.” He grins, already knowing how I’m going to react.
“One of these days, I’m going to surprise you and say yes.”
“I’m living for that day.” His hand drops to my hip and he kisses me until I’m one limp noodle. “I’m living forallthe days that you’re by my side.”
“We’re forever, Henley.”
I’m finishing up with Dr. Grinstead when Coach Evans knocks on the door and pokes his head in.
“How’s it going?” he asks, looking between Dr. Grinstead and me.
“I’ll let Henley answer that,” Dr. Grinstead says.
“I’m feeling stronger all the time, but there’s more inflammation than we’d like,” I tell him. “Jimmy is ready to upthe intensity of my workouts soon, but we’re waiting to see if this knee starts looking a little better.” I lean forward.
Coach Evans sighs. “We’re in trouble, Ward. We can’t seem to get back on our feet without you.”
“I’m sorry, Coach. It kills me that I left the season hanging, believe me. I’m willing to do whatever I can on the back end, though…if that means working one-on-one with Cal or being at the practices. I don’t know if that would help or not, but we can try it.”
“Yeah, I think that would be good. Both of those options,” Evans says.
As I drive home, I decide I’ll bring it up with the guys tomorrow. We’re having Friendsgiving—dubbed by Sadie and Tru—at our place this year. Thanksgiving still isn’t for another couple of weeks, but the game schedule got in the way since the Mustangs have a game that day.
The guys have avoided talking about football with me. I can understand why—I’ve been a moody bastard since the accident. I’ve been dealing with my own shit, trying to work through the reality that things are going to be different for me now. I haven’t been ready to say it out loud just yet, but I don’t think I’m going back to football.
I don’t know for a fact that I’m done, but I’ve got a strong feeling that’s the way this is going, and I’m trying to listen to my body and do a better job of taking care of it.