Page 133 of Secret Love
Sam gave me a card at Friendsgiving.
He told me to read it when I got home, so I did.
And I’m glad I did.
He said I’ve changed his life.
I cried like a fucking baby.
I get it now, you guys.
I get why you torture yourselves with having kids.
Penn’s sheepish when I look at him.
“It was a moment of weakness,” he says, smirking. “I take it all back. He texted me today asking what I could tell him about Vaseline. The kid is not old enough for all this, I swear. One of the boys in his foster home keeps it by the bed and Sam wantsmeto tell him why. I’m not cut out for this.”
“You are totally cut out for this,” Weston says, laughing. “But I’m glad it’s you and not me.”
Henley’s knee injury has inspired a lot of talks with Becca.
She doesn’t understand why this happened and gets so sad
when she doesn’t see Henley in the games anymore.
When I told her sometimes good things come to an end,
I didn’t know it would start a whole tangent of questions:
Would I stop loving her?
Would Lucky Charms stop having the marshmallows?
Will her bed break in the middle of the night when she’s sleeping?
It’s been endless.
So I’ve started to tell her that an ending
always makes room for a new beginning,
and I’m sticking with that.
I don’t even realize I’m crying until a napkin is shoved my way.
“Thank you,” I mumble, wiping my eyes and nose. “I think I’m making room for a new beginning.”
“Dammit. I didn’t know this was going to be the week we all bawl our eyes out,” Rhodes says. “Here. Read mine.”
Levi has an obsession with booties.
Last week at the grocery store,
he saw Mrs. Lyson in leggings,