Page 93 of Secret Love
“Thank you. So do you!”
“Thank you, but any style I have is thanks to my girls in Landmark Mountain.”
“I love them.” I met Felicity’s sisters-in-law about a month ago and adored every single one of them. I wish they lived here, but they’re near Felicity in Landmark Mountain.
“Right? You don’t need any help in the style department, but I sure do. The media gave me a ton of crap about it in the beginning with Weston.”
I stare at her. “Are you serious?” I look down at my outfit with new eyes.
“You’ll be fine. They’re going to love you, you hot little thing. And you and Henley have been so hush-hush that you’re noteven on their radar yet.” She smirks over at me. “So, are you ready for everyone to know you’re Henley Ward’s girlfriend?”
I grin just hearing those words. I haven’t really thought them or said them out loud, but I know that’s how Henley thinks of me.
“I’m nervous but ready. I really only care about how the girls feel about it, and I don’t know what we’ll do if they’re not happy.” I make a face and look out the window.
I feel her hand on my shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry. They love you. I saw the way they lit up when they saw you at the Pixie Pop-Up Market the other day.”
“I hope you’re right.”
We get to the training facility and there are more people than I expected. I knew that this practice was open to the public too, but still…it’scrowded.
We find seats up close and my heart ping-pongs around in my body when I spot Henley. Number forty-nine…when I asked him why he chose that one, he said he just really likes that number. Now I feel like I see the number everywhere and it symbolizes him.
Caleb loses his mind when he sees his dad and all his favorite boys. They all run by and wave, Weston coming over to kiss Sadie and Caleb, and Caleb jumps up and down. When Henley waves, Caleb yells, “UNCA HEN” at the top of his lungs, and my insides are exhibiting that same level of excitement at seeing him out on the field.
Henley pauses when he sees me. I can see him mouth the wordfuckas he looks me over and I know the feeling because I’m in love with football tights. Pants. Whatever. Those tightthings highlight the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen and I can’t even look at him head-on without my eyes wandering down to his bulge. I’ve gotten to know my way around his body and it still takes my breath away, but seeing it showcased in this way does something to me.
I fan my face and Sadie laughs at me.
“Have you seen him in his uniform before?” she asks.
“No. And I should have asked for a preview instead of this being my first time.”
She cracks up. “Little secret for you. I can’t believe I didn’t tell you before now, but you’ve got time to get one before the season starts. Wear his jersey to a game, and magical things will happen for you.”
“I will get right on that,” I assure her.
And then for the next couple of hours, both of us are spellbound by the men in front of us. I can’t believe how much stamina Henley has. He’s shockingly fast for how huge he is, and he catches every ball Weston throws his way. They work like clockwork together. I don’t even know the game, but I can tell that Henley is really,reallygood.
He texts after he’s run off the field.
I loved seeing you out there. Do you mind if I take fifteen to shower?
Sure, take your time. It’s a beautiful day and I’ve got a book.
I help Sadie and Caleb get to their vehicle and then go sit near the door Henley said he’d be exiting. He saunters out with Penn and Bowie flanking either side of him. I can just imagine my mom saying hertestosterone heavenline. It’s true. I’ve neverseen men in real life who look like these guys, but Henley…he just does itallfor me.
He’s wearing grey sweats and a white T-shirt, and it’s a close second to the football tights. My mouth waters, and from the way he’s smiling at me, I think it must show.
“Damn, tiny dancer,” he says when he gets near me. “You look so fucking sexy, I didn’t think I was going to be able to play with you sitting out there like that.”
My cheeks burn. He doesn’t normally say things like that around anyone else, but today his eyes are practically burning with lust.
Penn and Bowie laugh.
“So this is why you fumbled a few times at the beginning of practice,” Penn says.