Page 13 of Timber's Girl
Lindy's discomfort increases as she looks anywhere but me. "Being asked out. Going on dates."
Bewilderment fills my mind. How is that even possible? She’s a perfect match for some boy next door. She’s sexy and smart, kind and adorable. Who could resist that?
I stare at Lindy, lost for words.
"I know. I'm weird. You’re the first man to ask me out since Dean, but even before him, I never really dated much."
"You're not weird. Everyone else is apparently blind and stupid. Does tomorrow night work for you?" That might be too soon, but I don't want to waste any more time. She's giving me a chance, and I'm not going to blow it.
"Perfect,” she agrees, smiling in relief.
“I’ll pick you up at six tomorrow.”
Then I leave with a fucking bounce in my step.Happy.I can't remember the last time I truly felt that way.
I pace the cabin porch waiting for Timber to pick me up for our date. All day, I’ve been mentally patting myself on the back for agreeing to go out with him, especially after my disastrous attempt to reenter the social world this past weekend.
Unsure how casual this dinner date would be, I erred on the side of caution and dressed up in an autumn-patterned sundress that flows around me every time I walk.
The dress has a silk under layer since the overlay is sheer chiffon, and the buttoned bodice creates the perfect amount of modest cleavage.Well, sort of modest.I've gained weight since first buying the dress, and it shows in the way my chest overflows the top. But at least the fluttery skirt glides over the rest of my added roundness.
A cloud of dust follows Timber’s car down the gravel drive. He parks in front of the cabin and gets out before I can hop in the passenger seat.
It’s unexpected since I’m already outside, negating the need for knocking on my door, but he moves to stand in front of me, and after a brief, "Damn," as he surveys my outfit, he offers a bouquet of flowers.
"I wasn't sure what you'd like, but I figured I should bring something, so um, here you go."
That’s unexpectedly sweet of him.
Biting my lower lip, I accept the gift, appreciating its difference from the mysterious delivery I received a few days ago. This one is filled with tulips rather than daisies and some other flowers I can't name.
"Well, you guessed correctly because I love tulips. Most people may prefer roses or whatever, but I've always liked these." I gently rub a velvety petal between my fingers. I've always had an affinity for these simple but pretty flowers. "Hang on while I put these in water."
I rush inside, leaving Timber to stand awkwardly on the porch. I don't have a vase, so I fill a large cup with water instead. Later I'll buy a vase and cut the stems, but right now I have a sweet man waiting for me.
Who'd have thought I'd ever describe one of the Reaper’s Wolves men that way?
Who'd have thought I'd accept a date when just days ago I was trying to convince myself that I'm not interested in a romantic relationship?
Once I return, Timber gestures ahead of him, matching my steps to the passenger side to open the door for me.
This gentlemanly part of him is a pleasant surprise.
Is this how Snow, Alaska, and Grim treat their women, my friends?
No wonder they fell so hard.
Being treated with kindness and respect shouldn't be so earth-shattering—it's the bare minimum on how to treat a person—but a wave of unexpected tears catch me off guard, until I blink them away.
No one's put this much effort in for me in a long time.
Once Timber buckles in beside me, he drives us to an Italian restaurant on Main Street, where we’re immediately seated at atable for two by the window. The waiter hands us menus then leaves after listing the specials.