Page 29 of Timber's Girl
A throat clears in the background, and I whip Lindy underneath me so fast, her dazed look of confusion almost makes me grin.
My head lifts to see who the intruder is. No one deserves to see Lindy in a state of arousal. She's mine. For my eyes only.
Fucking Ranger.
“Sorry, guys. Alaska said Timber was here, and when you didn’t answer your phone…” He shrugs and scratches the back of his neck. “We’ve got an issue at Reaper’s Revamp. A client claims you fucked up his bike and won’t calm down until he talks to you.”
“Dammit,” I mutter. Maneuvering to a standing position, I help Lindy up then face Ranger. “I’ll be there in ten minutes. Make sure you have the paperwork for the job ready for me when I arrive, because the guy’s lying. I didn’t fuck up anyone’s ride.”
“You got it. Sorry again.” Ranger waves farewell then exits the gym, leaving Lindy and I alone again.
Too bad we can’t finish what we started.
“Sounds like you've got a fire to put out, which is for the best since I should stop playing hooky to work, too,” Lindy says, patting my chest. “The macro I left running is probably done now, so I should get home anyway. But this,” she gestures between us, her hardened nipples and my erect cock on display beneath our clothes, “To be continued.”
This prick is out of his damn mind. The paperwork clearly states what he ordered and what we delivered. Pictures of before and after included.
Yet he has the nerve to argue I'm wrong.
“I'm going to sue this place for everything you've got,” he threatens.
“Go ahead. It's your money you'll be wasting because the law is on our side.” I cross my arms over my chest. Usually my size does the trick of intimidating people but this guy is so far gone, common sense and self-preservation have clearly deserted him.
A notification dings on my phone, interrupting the standoff. Swiping to open it, my brows furrow at the message. It's an alert from McCoy Security about a breach on the south side of the MC compound.
It's a forest of trees on that side of the property. Did a deer or bear trigger the alarm? Surely, McCoy accounts for forest creatures.
“We're done here,” I say, a niggling worry creeping up my back. The man splutters, but he's soon forgotten once the roar of my Harley fills my ears.
I'm not the only club member who would have gotten that alert. Snow and Fox would have, too. In the MC's hierarchy, we're the top three men—Club President, VP, and Sergeant at Arms.
Texting Snow and Fox that I'm headed back to the clubhouse, I rev the engine and peel out of the Reaper’s Revamp parking lot, uneasiness my companion.
Goosebumps pop up over my skin as soon as I step into my darkened living room. The fall chill from outside has me viciously rubbing my bare arms to ward off the cold.
I should have worn a jacket over my tank top, but I figured I'd be in and out of the weather too quickly to need one. Besides, when I left the gym, my body was too hot from grinding all over Gideon's muscular body to need an extra layer.
I can't wait to pick up where we left off.
Smiling at the prospect, I enter the kitchen and pause. There's another bouquet of yellow daisies on the counter.
Would someone from the club let themselves into my home to drop them off?
That doesn't make sense since last time they left them on the porch mat.
I take one wary step forward when a hand covers my mouth and somebody slams me into the wall.
“You thought you could escape me so easily? You’ll always be mine.” The familiar voice of Dean rumbles in my ear and fear shoots down my spine.
Twisting, I try to gain enough purchase to injure him, but he tosses me into a kitchen chair first, then stalks forward.
In my head I'm screaming for help, letting someone know there's trouble. But my throat closes up. It's like my mouth is stuffed with cotton balls and nothing wants to come out.