Page 39 of Crossfire
He tilted his head, clearly confused by my change of topic.
“It’s my go-to when I’m stressed,” I explained.
Honestly, my social skills.
“Can I ask you something?” Grayson rested his elbows on the table.
My traitorous eyes suddenly became possessed, tracing the long lines in his forearm muscles, wondering what it would feel like to trace my fingers along them.
When my eyeballs finally returned to minding their own business, I was met with a ghost of a smirk from Grayson.
Great. He just caught me checking him out. How embarrassing.
“Why was he manhandling you yesterday?” His tone wasn’t playful at all, though; rather, it was firm, bordering on angry.
Also embarrassing.
I frowned. “It’s a long story.”
“Judging by the size of his coffee, we have a long runway until he finally takes off.”
I sighed, unsure where I’d even begin.
“It’s…hard to explain.”
“Try me.” Grayson’s focus drifted to my lips—my cheeks warming—before looking back up to meet my eyes.
I took a sip of my coffee, biding my time to figure out how to start.
I settled with, “I did something stupid yesterday.”
To this, Grayson’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. “More stupid than dating him?”
I couldn’t believe I chuckled; I hadn’t let out any genuine laugh since before my father died, but there was something disarming about Grayson.
“Much more,” I admitted.
“Well”—Grayson leaned back—“I don’t want to pry, but I just can’t imagine what could be more foolish than dating that Neanderthal.”
Again, I let out a soft laugh, and it surprised me how easily he chipped away pieces of my walls.
“I’m not sure I’m supposed to talk about it; it’s an open investigation.”
“Investigation?” Grayson’s eyebrows shot up again, his voice low and tinged with concern. “Sound serious. Are you okay?”
My cheeks warmed under his earnest demeanor, a flutter of something warm and thrilling stirring in my chest. Out of all the questions Grayson could’ve fired at me, the first words out of his mouth were about my well-being, all while taking time out of his day to make my life a little easier.
A sudden surge of emotion pricked my throat, and I had to glance away before he could see the impact of his caring words etched across my face.
Did Grayson have a girlfriend? Would I ever find someone as genuinely good and selfless as him in my life?
I couldn’t believe I was about to spill my guts, but something about Grayson’s eyes pulled the truth from my lips.
“I agreed to meet someone I’d met online,” I finally started.
Grayson watched my mouth, waiting patiently for me to get this out.
“He said he had something important that my grandmother desperately needed.” I took a shaky breath. “So, I went to meet this person, and…it was a trap, I guess. I was attacked.”