Page 19 of Rushing Into Love
“Awesome!” I did a victory fist pump into the air. “That sounds great. I’ll need to get a flight back, but that would be totally worth it.” A quick pang flashed through my chest, thinking of Ryder, but I could be back by Friday….
“What does she want the interview to be about? My podcast? My blog?” I asked, wondering how I could best use this opportunity to promote my business.
“Both of those things. But there was one little caveat…” Ally said in a slow voice.
“What?” I said cautiously, sensing that this would be bad.
“Well, I kind of, sort of, mentioned that you were dating Pax Jones.”
I groaned loudly. “Ally! Why’d you do that?”
“I wanted you to get the interview!” she cried. “I thought you’d be happy! I know how badly you want your podcast to make it, and competition is really tight in the market right now…”
“Yes, but Pax and I are over! It’s the entire reason I came to Peachtree Grove in the first place. I’m trying to keep a low profile, keep the situation with Paxoutof the media. The last thing I need to do is go on live TV with Layla Lowerty asking me five million questions about him and our relationship!” I shook my head in disbelief at this predicament. I’d been clamoring for an interview for-ev-er and now I finally had one, and of course it was tied to Pax.
“Well, maybe I could do the interview and not mention Pax?” I dangled the possibility out to Ally.
“Uh, don’t think so.” She drew the phrase out, slowly and deliberately.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, that’s sort of the thing. That little caveat I mentioned. Shemayhave said that the interview is going to be—”
“Going to be what, Ally?” I cried, throwing my hand in the air. “What?”
“Mostly about what it’s like dating a superstar like Pax.” She rushed through the words. “Coming from the interesting and dynamic angle that you’re a relationship expert.” I could practically see her biting her fist right now; something she always did when she was stressed.
I groaned again.
“So let me get this straight—this interview is going to be about dating Pax, with a slight focus on me being a relationship expert?” I clarified.
“Sounds about right,” Ally conceded.
“Damn it.” I chewed my lip, not seeing a way out.
“I thought you’d be happy. I got you the interview.” Ally’s voice wavered.
“It’s not your fault, Ally,” I sighed. “I know you did the best you could. I appreciate the effort.”
“You’re still going to do it, right?”
“I’ll think about it,” I said. “When do I need to confirm?” Flipping through my calendar, I counted down the days until Wednesday. Surely there was a way I could do the interview and not make it about Pax?
“I kind of already confirmed for you,” Ally whispered.
“What?” I shrieked, jumping out of bed. I started pacing the guest bedroom. Brooklyn popped her head in, saw that I was on the phone, and mouthed the word “What?” to me, eyebrows raised in concern. I shook my head at her, noting I was fine. She shot me a look that said she didn’t believe me, but shut the door anyway.
“I really wanted you to get the interview. I told her I’d firm it up today, but she acted like she needed an answer right then. I thought for sure you’d do it, so I went ahead and confirmed for you. I might have said I was your agent,” she said in a tiny voice.
I smacked my head again. “Seriously, Ally? I mean, I appreciate it and all, it’s just, now I’m in a real predicament.”
She sniffled, so I backed down, softening my tone. “It’s fine, don’t cry. I’ll figure this out, don’t worry. Let me go for now and I’ll call you back, okay?”
“Sure. Sorry, Bree.”
“Don’t be. I’ll make it work,” I said, reassuring her. “Bye.”
Clicking off, a thousand thoughts raced through my head.How could I make this work? Could I somehow spin this and avoid talking about Pax at all? What if Ryder saw the interview? Would it mess things up with him? Was there any way I could do this interview and not end up looking totally incompetent?