Page 35 of Rushing Into Love
Furthermore, I am not, nor have I ever been, involved with former NFL player Ryder McCauliffe. We are not engaged in any sort of romantic relationship.
At this moment I am single and do not foresee this changing any time in the near future. Thank you all so much for your faith in my relationship expertise and for your support during this trying time. I look forward to continuing my work in the field with each and every one of you.
Much love,
Bree Hart, MS, LPC
I closed my laptop, clicked off the light, and tucked into bed, hoping tomorrow would be a better day.
* * *
I awoketo a flurry of text messages from Ally.
Ally: Saw your blog post. Is it true?
Ally: Tell me it’s not true
Ally: Please!
Ally: Also, Layla Lowerty texted. She wants to know if you’re still interested in doing the interview.
That text had me sitting up and rubbing my eyes.Why would Layla want to interview me still?I’d just posted on my blog that I was single. Wasn’t her angle about me dating? I needed to talk to Ally and get clarification.
“Hey, Ally, it’s me. Are you sure Layla still wants to interview me? Why? Did she not see my post?” I gnawed on my nail.
“She saw it, alright,” Ally confirmed. “She called me and asked if you were still interested, even though you’re not with Pax.”
I began pacing the room. I could think better when I was moving.
“What do you think I should do?”
“I’d do it, Bree. You could use the interview as a platform and set the record straight.”
“I don’t know,” I said, gnawing my lip. “She’s a tough interviewer and Ryder really didn’t want me commenting at all. He said talking to the press only fuels the fire.” I stared down at Brooklyn’s cream carpet.
“Or it could be your opportunity to put it to bed. So to speak…”
“Very funny, Ally,” I said, shaking my head. “Let me think about it and I’ll get back to you.”
“She needs an answer by noon today, Bree.”
“Got it. I’ll let you know soon.” I disconnected and sat down hard on the bed, mulling the situation over. A minute later I texted Ally.
Tell her I’ll do it, but it’ll have to be a phone interview. No way am I coming back to LA right now.
Ally: On it, boss.
Two hours later I had a phone interview with Layla Lowerty set up for the next day at 10 AM Eastern time. I was her lead story. I’d never been less excited about a career opportunity in my life.
* * *
“Good morning,LA! I’m Layla Lowerty, the host ofLA Today.I always get the scoop and that’s what I’ve been doing over the weekend. On the line, I have relationship and dating expert, Bree Hart. Good morning, Bree!”
I glanced at my sister’s TV screen. Layla was sitting at theLA Todaydesk, a perfectly manicured hand pressed to her headset for dramatic effect.
Muting the TV, I said, “Hey Layla, thanks for having me on. I’m thrilled to speak with you and your viewers about the exciting work I’ve been doing.” I attempted enthusiasm, even though my stomach swirled with anxiety and I suddenly had to pee.Nerves.Just stay focused.
“Sounds great! But first, let’s talk about you, specifically your relationships.”