Page 4 of Rushing Into Love
Bree: Yes. I mean, I tried. I *think* we’re broken up.
Brooklyn: He’s single, you know.??
Bree: I didn’t ask.
Brooklyn: You didn’t have to. I’m your sister
Bree: Am I that transparent? Geez, I hope I have a better game face than that.
Brooklyn: His kid is probably on the team.
Bree: Wha-what?!?!
Brooklyn: Yeah, cute kid. Think his name is Charlie. Or something like that.
Bree: So you’re telling me this hot pro baller is a Single. Dad.?!?!
Brooklyn: Yep. Look around. How many very attractive women are attending football practice right now?
I glanced around and did a quick mental survey. There were several blondes in tight spandex leggings gathered together, another pretty brunette on her phone (snapping a photo or two?), and one intense dad with a clipboard, taking notes.
Bree: Yes, loads
Brooklyn: He’s a local celeb. I’m sure women throw themselves at him. All. Day. Long.
Bree: I can see why.
Inwardly, I groaned. Of course they would. And I’d embarrassed myself already, within the first two minutes of meeting the guy. Mental head smack.
“And our last team rule is to have fun. Because if we do all of those things, we’ll be winners! Now I want you guys to put your hands in here, like this,” Ryder demonstrated, dropping his hand into the middle of all the kids, “and on the count of three say ‘Go Lions! Roar!’ Ready? One, two, three!” All the kids yelled out “Go Lions” and did their best roar, which was adorable. Cue heart melt. I glanced around and noticed several of the moms videoing the speech. Oh brother. This guy was a freaking saint.
Ryder had the kids run some drills, so I took the opportunity to find my way to the bleachers and do a quick Google search. A few taps and I had the dude’s (Wikipedia) life history:
Age: 32
Height: 6’4” (I shorted him an inch. Shame on me.)
Weight: 220 lbs
Position: Wide receiver
Stats: Football superstar at Peachtree Grove High School, helping lead the team to state victory with 18 touchdowns his senior year. Recruited by University of Georgia (2004-2008), where he played first string Wide Receiver all four years. Team went on to win Nationals. First round draft pick in 2008. Signed with Dallas Cowboys, #18, where he continued to play wide receiver position. Five successful seasons as starter for Dallas, including one trip to Super Bowl. Shoulder injury in sixth season left him benched. Retired in 2014.
No mention of personal life, relationship, kid. A few more taps, though, and I had additional dirt.
Ryder McCauliffe and Dallas Cowboys’ Cheerleader Shayna Bowman tie the knot in lavish multimillion-dollar wedding
Ryder McCauliffe and Dallas Cowboys’ Cheerleader wife welcome son
Dallas Cowboys’ Wide Receiver Ryder McCauliffe and cheerleader wife on the rocks
Dallas Cowboys’ Cheerleader Shayna McCauliffe files charges of domestic abuse against former NFL player-husband Ryder McCauliffe
Former Dallas Cowboys’ Wide Receiver McCauliffe calls it quits with cheerleader wife
Sounded like a train wreck. I clicked through the articles, taking in as much info as possible.
There were a few photos of Ryder when he was playing for the team, looking about the same as he did now.