Page 73 of Rushing Into Love
“Take me instead, Shayna. We can be together again.” I tried not to choke on the words, bile rising in my throat at the thought, but I knew that’s what Shayna wanted to hear.
“I don’t know, Ryder. I kind of like your new little girlfriend.” Shayna ran a hand over Bree’s hair and Bree shuddered. Shayna grinned down at her, enjoying the fear and power she wielded. She was a truly sick individual.
Unclasping my hands, I thrust my right hand deep into my pocket, continuing the slow shuffle towards Shayna and Bree.
“C’mon, Shayna. You know you’d rather have me. We could go anywhere you want. The Bahamas? You always wanted to swim with the dolphins.”
I kept talking and moving towards them, taking slow, steady steps. I fiddled in my pocket for my phone, keeping my eyes locked on Shayna and Bree the entire time. Depressing the side button five times, I prayed I’d managed to call the emergency SOS number, but I couldn’t risk taking my phone out of my pocket. The knife glinted under the bright fluorescent lights of the garage and Bree whimpered.
“Aww, your little girlfriend’s scared, Ryder. Why don’t you come rescue her?” Shayna shifted the knife, pressing it even harder against Bree’s throat until she gagged.
“Shayna, no!” I rushed towards them, diving for the knife, desperate to save Bree.
“Stop right there or I swear I’ll kill her!” Shayna shouted, her shrill threat echoing off the concrete walls.
I froze, still several yards away.
“Now, listen to my instructions, Ryder. Listen carefully and no one gets hurt. You’re going to walk very slowly up to me and I’ll let your little girlfriend go. She’ll stand with her back against the car, hands above her head, until we get into my car and drive out of here. No calling the police. Understand?” Shayna glared down at Bree, yanking her hair until she squeaked out a ‘yes.’
“You, Ryder, will not try anything or I will shank you with this knife. Got it?”
I nodded mutely, my throat so dry I could hardly swallow. I wondered if the police would ever show up, if I would ever see Charlie again.
Locking eyes with Bree, I wished more than anything that I could wipe the fear off her face.
“Move!” Shayna cried.
I picked up my pace, taking big strides towards them. Shayna was agitated now, and I’d spent enough time with her to know nothing good happened when she got pissed. Finally, I was close enough to touch Bree. I reached my hand out towards her and Shayna smacked it away, tightening her grip on Bree.
“No funny business, McCauliffe. Time to make the trade.” Shayna loosened her grip, shoving Bree hard towards the parked cars. Bree stumbled forward, crying out as she gasped for air. Shayna whirled around, grabbing me by the elbow and shoving the point of the knife up against my stomach. The blade was sharp against my ribs, even through the armor.
“Hustle, McCauliffe. We’re the black Mercedes.” She nodded to the left, towards a car about six feet away. I moved my feet, obeying her orders, trying to figure out how to get out of this mess without being gutted like a fish.
“Umph!” Shayna cried, falling forward hard on the concrete, a black flash against the pavement. I stumbled backward from the force as a metallic clang rang out, the knife skidding by me. Scrambling after it, I scooped the weapon off the ground, then rushed to Bree’s side, ready to protect her.
“Are you okay?” I asked, encircling her in my arms. She was cold and trembling, her face streaked with tears.
“I am now,” she said, nuzzling into my chest.
“Hey! You two lovebirds,” shouted a voice from behind us.
A man in a black cape and facemask was sitting astride Shayna, wrenching her hands behind her back. He had a large grin on his mustachioed face.
“Zorro?” Bree said at the exact moment I said, “Quinn?”
Quinn threw his head back, laughing.
“Yes, I’ve arrived. Now call Security, will ya? Catwoman’s getting squirmy.”
* * *
“How’dyou know where to find me?” Bree gazed up at me from under dark lashes.
We were lounging on my couch in front of a roaring fire and my arms were wrapped protectively around her warm body. Even though Shayna was safely behind bars, I was still on edge. Almost being shanked does that to a person…
“I went to Brooklyn’s and she told me you left for the airport, so I followed my gut instinct.” Running my hand down her leg, I lightly traced the outline of her thigh. She shivered at my touch, her lips curving into a smile.
“And you, Quinn. You saved the day.” Bree beamed over at my brother, sitting in the corner, calmly sipping a beer.