Page 75 of Rushing Into Love
“I love the charm of the place,” Brooks said, spinning around slowly, taking it all in. “The plank floors, the natural light, the fireplace. It’s great. I’ll find you a few rugs, get some artwork, hang some sheer curtains in the bedroom…” Her voice trailed off as she wandered through the house, peering into closets, assessing the penny tile floor of the bathroom, mentally measuring the windows for curtains.
“And look at your backyard! So cute and low maintenance. Alex will love playing on that swing.” She gestured to the wooden swing hanging from a big oak tree, which shaded half of the tiny yard.
“I thought she would,” I said. “She can stay with me anytime she wants.”
“Be careful what you offer. We’ll take you up on that, you know. Plus, I’m betting your weekends are going to be pretty busy.” She winked at me cheekily.
I blushed. “I hope so. Things are really good between Ryder and me right now.”
“Obviously, or you wouldn’t be staying.” Brooks chuckled. “I mean, I know I’m a big draw, but I’ve been trying to get you out of LA for the last five years. Then you meet Ryder, and boom—return flight cancelled.” She shook her head, but grinned and hugged me. “I’m not complaining, though. Hey, I’ve got to run and get Alex from school. Meet you back at the house?”
“Sounds good. What time’s the game tonight?”
“The championship game starts at six. We have to leave at five. You coming with us?”
I nodded. “Yeah. See you back at the house soon.”
We air kissed, then Brooks raced out, leaving me alone in my new place. I did a slow circle, taking it all in. I wasn’t a huge fan of change, but this move felt right. My relationship with Ryder was rock solid, everything was great with my sister, I could easily transition my business to the East Coast. One of the only downsides was the weather and I supposed I’d get used to that over time. Yes, all the pieces were falling into place.
Right on cue, my cell buzzed.
Ryder: You busy?
Bree: Depends. What’s up?
Ryder: It’s a little late to play hard to get ??
Ryder: My last client cancelled. Do you want to meet up before I pick Charlie up from school?
Bree: Definitely. Could you meet me at 234 Dahlia Dr?
Ryder: Sure. What’s there?
Bree: You’ll see
Ryder: Can’t wait. Leaving now
I hadn’t consulted anyone about the rental. There’d been one available and I’d rashly signed the paperwork. Sure, Ryder and I had talked about me relocating to Peachtree Grove, but nothing was solidified. Now that I had the place, I really hoped he was serious about the move and wasn’t just suffering from Shayna aftershocks.
I paced the floor, suddenly nervous. My stomach twisted and a bolt of panic rippled through me.Was I making a huge mistake?
Knock, knock.
Luckily, I didn’t have to wait long for an answer.
I opened the front door to Ryder, looking as gorgeous as ever in a tight polo and khakis.
“Hey,” I said, swinging the door open.
“Hey. What are you doing here? I didn’t see your car.” He glanced at the empty driveway, his marine eyes filled with curiosity. “You’re okay, right?”
Stepping into the house, he swiveled his head and rapidly checked the corners of the room, presumably to make sure I wasn’t being held hostage. Assured the coast was clear, he pulled me in close, kissing me hard and deep.
“Mmm,” I murmured into his lips. They were soft and warm and I eagerly accepted his greeting, opening my mouth to him. Pressing our bodies hard against each other, we kissed, savoring our alone time.
With his strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tight, a wave of reassurance washed over me and I knew I’d made the right decision.
After several blissful minutes, I reluctantly pulled away. I wanted to gauge his immediate reaction to my news.