Page 77 of Rushing Into Love
“Bree!” she shrieked, grinning at me, “Congrats!” She hugged me tightly. “I’m so proud of you!”
“Thanks.” I smiled back at her, still in shock. I’d been working towards this for the past year; I’d dreamt about it, but I almost couldn’t believe it actually happened.
“We’ll have to celebrate after the game, though. We’ve got to get Alex to the field.” She checked her watch. “Alex, time to roll!”
Alex bounded down the hall in her jersey and pigtails, mouthguard in hand.
“You ready to play some football?” I smiled at her.
“You bet! Go Lions!” she cried, giving me a high five. “You’re coming, right Aunt Bee?”
“Of course, wouldn’t miss it for the world. Let me grab my coat.” I turned to go to my room, but Alex pulled me back by my shirt. I swiveled around.
“What’s up?”
She looked up at me, her blue eyes serious. “Nothing. I’m just really happy you stayed.” She lunged towards me, burying her face in my shirt and squeezing me tight. I patted her back, then smoothed her hair. “Me too, sweetie. Now let’s go win a Championship!”
* * *
The parking lotwas almost filled by the time we arrived at the field and we still had an hour until the game.Everyone in Peachtree Grove must be here, I thought, as Brooks squeezed her car into one of the last remaining spots.
I turned to Alex in the back seat. “You ready?”
She nodded, her game face serious.
“Do your best and have fun,” Brooks sing-songed. Alex also nodded at this, but looked more determined than ever to win.
We hopped out of the car and headed towards the field. Dusk had fallen and a chill was already in the air; once the sun went down it would be downright cold. I snuggled deeper into my new puffy coat.
“Hey!” Ryder trotted over as soon as he saw us.
Leaning in, he gave me a quick hug and a frisson of heat shot through me. Even through his sweatshirt, I could feel his toned muscles and his crisp, clean scent practically undid me.
I love this man.
The thought skittered through my brain and a warm blush swept over my face.
As if he could read my thoughts, Ryder leaned down and gave me a quick, but none too innocent kiss, right there on the field.
I blushed even harder, but grinned up at him. “Hey, good luck out there. Not that you’ll need it.”
He smiled at me and squeezed my hand, his gaze lingering. Reluctantly, he let go. “Thanks. Gotta go practice some routes now. See you after the game?”
“You bet.”
Ryder discretely tapped my backside, then turned to the kids and started calling out drills.
“C’mon,” Brooks grabbed my arm. “Stop mooning over your super-hot boyfriend and let’s get seats before there aren’t any left.”
She was right, the place was packed. I didn’t see any free space at all and was beginning to wonder if we’d have to stand the entire game when I caught sight of Gigi waving us over. I waved back and nudged Brooks in her direction.
Two minutes later we were seated with the entire McCauliffe family. Brooks was busy charming Gigi, and Pops had gone to get refreshments, so I was left sitting awkwardly next to Quinn.
“Nervous for Ryder?” He shot me a sideways glance as he leaned back against the metal bleacher, his right leg thrown carelessly across his left knee.
“Not really, I’m sure the game will be great,” I said, even though my nerves had been twinging literally all day.
“That’s good because it kinda looks like you’re going to be sticking around. And I’m pretty sure Ryder’s never giving up football, so it’s gonna pay off to be cool.” He winked at me and I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like everything was going to be just fine with Quinn after all.