Page 101 of Out of Bounds
Cam: Hey, Trouble. You still at work?
Sloane: No, just finished. How are you? Did you get the contract?!?
Cam: Not yet. I have a meeting with the Coach and the GM tonight
Sloane: Sounds promising. What’s your agent saying?
Cam: He thinks it’s good news
Sloane: YESSSS!
Cam: I know. I’ve been searching for rentals. What do you think about this one?
A link pops up and I click it, photos of a gorgeous high-rise overlooking the Atlantic Ocean filling my screen.
I’m in love.
Sloane: CAM—that’s amazing
Cam: Good, glad you like it
Cam: If I get an offer, we can check it out
Cam: Assuming you’re still in…
Sloane: Absolutely. I haven’t told my dad yet
The three text bubbles swirl, then disappear, then swirl again. I stare at the screen, waiting. Finally, Cam replies.
Cam: Want me to talk to him?
Sloane: That’s sweet of you, but it’ll be better coming from me. Thanks though
Cam: Okay, babe. Whatever you need, I’m there
My chest squeezes as I read his words.
Whatever you need, I’m there.
This is the Cam I know and love. He’s back in his element and everything’s coming together for him.
For us.
Sloane: I love you
Cam: I love you too
Cam: Ok, babe. I gotta jet and get ready for dinner
Cam: Miss you
Sloane: Miss you too. Call me as soon as you finish with the coach!
Cam: Will do
Sloane: XOXO
Cam: xoxo