Page 5 of Single Orc Daddy
"Tell me about it," I agree, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Just last week, Penelope decided to give her stuffed animals a 'spa day.' Let's just say, my good lotion will never be the same."
He lets out a hearty laugh, the sound warming me from the inside out. "Spa day, huh? That's a new one. Zola's more into 'redecorating.' I once caught her trying to paint polka dots on the living room wall with her markers."
I gasp, trying to stifle my giggles. "Oh no! How did you handle that?"
"Well, after the initial shock wore off, we had a long talk about appropriate surfaces for art," Rendal says, his expression softening. "Then we went out and got her a giant sketchpad. Now she's my little Picasso, but thankfully, the walls are safe. At least for now."
As we continue swapping stories, I'm struck by how easy it is to talk to Rendal. There's a natural flow to our conversation, something that's rare for me to find. I find myself leaning in slightly, drawn to his warmth and humor. He's not bad on the eyes, either.
"You know," I say, feeling a bit bold. "It's nice to meet another parent who gets it. Sometimes I feel like I'm just winging this whole parenting thing on my own."
Rendal's eyes meet mine, and there's a depth of emotion there that takes me by surprise. "Trust me, I know exactly what you mean. Every day's an adventure, right?"
I nod, feeling a connection spark between us. "Absolutely. But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."
"Me neither," he agrees softly, his gaze drifting back to where Zola and Penelope are playing. "They're our whole world, aren't they?"
As I watch our daughters giggling together, building sandcastles and sharing secrets, I can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. And standing here with Rendal, swapping stories and bursting out with laughter, I realize that maybe, just maybe, there's room in my world for something more.
I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself, though.
Well, goddamn. Chloe might be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Long wavy brown hair, green eyes that sparkle whenever she smiles, and tan skin that's been kissed by the sun.
Making her laugh satisfies me. Spending time around her only makes me want to learn more, unraveling her like a neatly-wrapped gift. It's addicting.
"How about I give you my phone number?" I ask, already pulling out my phone. "I'd like to stay in contact. Y'know, future playdates for the girls and all."
I hand Chloe my phone, watching as her slender fingers tap across the screen. She looks up, a playful smile tugging at her lips.
"Here, your turn," she says, offering me her phone.
Our fingers brush as we swap devices. A jolt of electricity races up my arm, and I catch her eyes widening slightly. Damn, did she feel that too?
I punch in my number, trying to keep my hands steady. Her phone case is soft, with little cartoon animals adorned in light pink colors. It's cute, just like her.
"There you go," I say, handing it back. "Now we can set up those playdates."
She takes her phone, her fingers lingering on mine for a heartbeat longer than necessary. "Sounds great. The girls seem to be having a blast."
I glance over at Zola and Penelope. They're chasing each other around the jungle gym, squealing with laughter.
"Yeah, they really hit it off," I agree. "It's nice to see Zola making friends so easily."
Chloe nods, her green eyes warm. "Maybe this is the start of a lifelong friendship for them."
We stand there for a moment, watching our daughters play. The sun finally peeks out from behind the clouds, bathing the park in bright light. It catches in Chloe's hair, highlighting strands of gold among the brown. She's fucking gorgeous, and I can't help but steal glances at her.
"So," I say, clearing my throat. "Let's set up those playdates, shall we?"
Chloe and I settle the details and decide to grab ice cream with the girls in a few day's time. And to no surprise, I find myself thinking about Chloe constantly. As I get ready in the morning, fixing my tie before I go to work. As I sit at my office desk, rummaging over files.
Those green eyes have stuck with me. And that smile. And that fucking body.
When the day finally comes for the playdate, I'm probably just as excited as Zola to be there, even if I don't show it. I'm standing in line at the ice cream parlor, Zola bouncing excitedly next to me. The place is packed with families, the air thick withthe sweet scent of waffle cones and sugary toppings. My eyes scan the crowd, searching for Chloe and Penelope.