Page 11 of Mistletoe Mischief
Roger sighed, appreciating that she was still talking to him and he hadn’t apparently grossed her out.
“Honestly, I was pretty lucky,” he told her as he replaced the prosthetic. “I had been walking right alongside the vehicle at first. Not sure what made me veer out and down. If I’d still been beside the vehicle I would have lost both my legs and probably bled out. We were a long way from any relief.”
Cassandra looked up at him again and smiled, and Roger jerked to attention. He had a beautiful woman with no shirt on right beside him, within reach, and he was rehashing history. Even though his mind was concentrating on other things, his body was still very much focused on her.
He was relieved that she was okay withhim. That made everything else they had to face minor in comparison.
Cassandra seemed to sense the change in him, and quirked a dark brow. “So, if this is the worst you have to show me I think we’ll be okay.”
Nodding, he reached out to brush the side of her breast. A shiver worked through her body, and her dark nipples hardened beneath the fabric of her bra.
Cassandra grinned at him. “Keep doing that and I might have to kiss you.”
A sense of joyfulness filled him up and he felt like laughing like a child. Instead, he clenched his jaw and mirrored her look, brow quirked. “Oh, really? Maybe if I do this you’ll definitely kiss me.”
He ran a forefinger around her nipple, through the white cotton. It hardened even more beneath his touch, and he circled it a couple of times before she grabbed his hand and moved it to her other breast. “This one needs attention too,” she gasped.
He made the same movement to that nipple as well, and her eyes drifted shut. A moan drifted from her throat and he wondered what she sounded like when she climaxed.
Cassandra shifted her hips, as if the touch transferred to other areas, and Roger wanted to strip her, lay her down and have his way with her.
Shifting to his knees in front of her, he took a moment to adjust himself in his jeans, then cupped her shoulders in his hands. With a gentle nudge, she fell back against the mattress, but her gaze stayed on him.
“You might as well take those jeans off,” she told him, voice dry with humor. “I guarantee you’re not going to need them.”
He grinned, loving that she already had the experience mapped out in her head. “I will in a minute. Right now, it’s the only barrier I have strong enough to keep me away from you.”
He looked down her body, loving when she arched for him, her curves smoothing. “You have the most delectable body,” he whispered. “I have to explore every inch of you.”
And he did. As she moaned and sighed, he explored every delicious, scrumptious inch he revealed. When he followed with his lips, she cried out, shifting beneath him. Roger had to stop himself several times because his own hungry body danced on that sharp, hot edge of pleasure. Even the harsh jeans felt good against the head of his cock, and if he wasn’t careful he would rub himself raw.
When he sat her up and removed her pretty white bra, though, all coherent thought went out of his head. Her breasts were a bounty, more than his hands could hold, and her nipples were flushed dark with pleasure. When he took one into his mouth, Cassandra gasped and cupped his head to her.
“You’re going to kill me, Roger.”
Without answering, he drew on the tip of her breast even harder, then shifted to the other side. Damn, she even tasted good here. Gently biting down with his teeth, he let her know how excited he was. But Cassandra apparently loved that edge of pain, her hips shifting more sharply.
Leaving her breasts, Roger moved down her thighs, fingers hooking into the elastic of her panties. He tugged them down slowly, loving that she didn’t try to hide herself from him. As he pulled them down the length of her legs, he kissed everything he passed, forcing himself not to look at her most private cleft. He was afraid if he did he would come in his pants.
Drawing in gulping draughts of air, he forced his body to stillness before he allowed himself to look up the length of her.
Oh, God. All thought left his brain as he looked at her. In his wildest imaginings he couldn’t have drawn her any more perfect in his mind. From the tops of her soft shoulders, over the bounty of her large breasts, down the length of her tummy to the thatch of dark hair at the apex of her thighs, then her long, long legs, he would not have changed a thing about her. Every piece suited her to a T and fit together to make a masterpiece. She was a heart-stopping vision of beauty, and he was so humbled that she’d chosen him to take to her bed. He would revere her body like no one else ever had.
She watched him, her smart eyes luminous with need and a little caution. She had body issues as well, she just played them off better than he did.
“You are the moon in my dark night,” he told her softly. “You shine with an inner brilliance I’ve never seen in another human being and I would worship you.”
The anxiety eased in her eyes and a tear slipped down her temple. “And I will let you, because I just can’t imagine letting you go now.”
Roger left the bed and stripped off his jeans and boxers, his cock hard with need. As quickly as he could, he sheathed himself in the only condom he’d had in his wallet. Cassandra’s eyes followed him, her eyes widening a little. “Oh my God, you are beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like you. I want to taste you, Roger.”
A bolt of heat arrowed down through his cock.
She started to sit up, but he shook his head. “You have no idea how close to the edge I am right now. You’ll have to taste me another time, Cassandra, because if I felt your lips on me I would never last. And I want this night, this morning, to last.”
Then, crawling up between her thighs, he gave her the most intimate of nibbles on the inside of her knee. The muscles in her leg quivered as he moved upward, kissing gently here and there, and she began to pant. She knew where he was going, but he wanted to draw out her anticipation. With the tactile fingers of his good hand, he brushed them up along the skin of her thigh, just barely tickling. Her hips shifted and her hands reached for him, but he pressed them to the mattress. Then he explored the soft cloud of hair at the apex of her groin.
Cassandra cried out, her stomach quivering as Roger eased his finger into her wetness.