Page 4 of Mistletoe Mischief
She looked at him again, resigned. Tonight had been an aberration for her, on many different levels. It had been a whimsical, intriguing interlude in her not-so-easy life. “I enjoyed being here tonight, Roger.”
He smiled a little playfully. “I did too, Miss Cassandra.”
Cass waited a moment, hoping he would ask her out, or over for coffee or something, but he didn’t. Instead he slid off the stool and reached for the weather gear on the stool beside him. Cass stepped off as well and looped her scarf around her neck, trying not to show her disappointment. When she reached for her coat, he already stood behind her, holding it out. With a little thrill, she reached her arms into the coat and turned to face him, her heart hammering with anticipation. He stood a few inches over six feet, the perfect kissing height.
They were inches apart and for a brief moment he looked like he wanted to lower his head and kiss her, then he blinked, clamped his square jaw and pulled away.
“I’ll walk you out.”
Cass gritted her teeth. She’d seen that flash of interest in his eyes a couple of times tonight. What the hell did she need to do to get him to commit to something, even something as simple as a kiss?
Then it hit her. Maybe hewouldn’tkiss her. Maybe she’d misread everything and this was a goodbye walk.
They each had their insecurities, that much was obvious.
Cass said her goodbyes to the nice women she’d met and walked out of the restaurant, Roger on her heels. She could feel his gaze on her and as she stepped off the curb to the parking lot, he was there to offer her his elbow.
He’d given her his real arm. She tightened her hand on his elbow and thought about leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked into the snow, but she didn’t let herself do that. This was going to be the big brush-off scene, she’d played it out before.
She pointed out her car and they moved toward it. At one point she slipped a little, but he tightened his arm and braced to hold her.
“You okay, baby?”
Her heart clenching from the words more than the threat of a painful fall, Cass wanted to turn to him and wrap her arms around him. He had done absolutely everything right. He’d been more solicitous of her than any other man ever had. There was an aching sadness to him that she wanted to make better. Even as he smiled at her through the falling flakes, he seemed… overwhelmed by life. Sad. As if what he wanted was too far out of his reach.
Was she actually seeing that or was she seeing what shewantedto see?
This was so frustrating. Maybe she just needed to lay it out there.
“Roger, I want to see you again.”
Cass didn’t even realize she’d spoken until his eyes widened. Then, with a sad smile, he shook his head. “I’ll follow you home to make sure you get there okay, but that’s all, Cassandra. That’s all I can give you tonight.”
Reaching up, she ran her fingers down his cheek, then down the scarred side of his neck, feeling the texture of the old hurt. He didn’t move, but she could feel him withdraw emotionally. Then he stepped back from her and she let her fingers fall to her side.
She’d known this man exactly one evening, just a few hours. She’d never behaved this way with another man in her life, but she feared that if she let him go tonight she wouldn’t see him again.
Everything she had in her life now was because she’d dared to reach for it. So, following her instincts, she cupped Roger’s neck in her hand and drew him down toward her. Their lips met with the slightest brush, then another. Cass inhaled against his mouth, angled her head then sealed her lips against his.
Now, if he’d truly been against the kiss, he would have drawn away, but he didn’t. For a timeless moment, she feared that she would be the only one involved, because he didn’t move for such a terribly long time. It was probably only a couple of seconds but it felt like so much more. Then, suddenly, he cupped her face in his hands.
Cass had kissed many frogs in her life, but every single asshole with hurtful hands and nauseating breath and bring-you-down-drama went out of her mind just then. Roger made her heart race. Tingles shot down her body and she dared to reach for his shoulders to hold on. She didn’t want to leave his delicious mouth.
But he jerked away. Not just away from her mouth but completely away from her body.
Cass blinked her eyes open in shock, wondering what she’d done wrong.
“Are you okay?” she asked, voice breathless.
He blinked at her, his expressive eyes hidden by the shadows cast by the parking lot security light. “Yes, I’m fine,” he told her voice gruff. “You should get home, though. It’s getting late.”
Frowning, she tried to read his face but he seemed to be deliberately averting it from her. She turned away with a huff, tears filling her eyes. But she would not let them fall. “Sorry I wasted your time tonight, Roger.”
Without another word she slipped into her Hyundai and pulled the seatbelt across her lap. The car started, after a slight hesitation. Making sure he’d moved away, she backed out of the parking space and left the restaurant parking lot.
Chapter 2
Roger’s heartwas thudding in his chest, and it wasn’t something he was comfortable with or had ever expected. Cassandra Jones had just rocked his world with a simple kiss.