Page 17 of Healing Home
Guiding her to a spot up the beach a few yards, he spread her towel lengthwise for her, then sat on the sand. He hoped that if they stopped for a bit she’d take off her sundress to soak up the sun. With that goal in mind he pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it to the sand beside him.
Her movements stilled and he grinned to himself. Yes, this awareness wasn’t just one-sided. He was cognizant of the stipulation in her contract of the hands off, but he thought if anyone could change that clause it would be her. The fact that she was reacting to him was stimulating.
Making sure to flex everything he could, he lay back in the sand. He’d worked hard for this body. Propping his head on his folded arm, he rocked his head to look at her, smiling slightly.
She seemed to be debating something because she was chewing the corner of her mouth thoughtfully. Then she seemed to come to some decision, because she reached for the hem of her dress, peeling it over her head in one not quite smooth movement. It got stuck on her hat, and she fought with it for a moment before flinging both to the ground with a huff.
He grinned at her, glad to see neither one of them were as smooth as they wanted to be.
Link realized how much he’d screwed up when he finally looked up the length of her body standing over him. Fuck, she was hot. Her long legs led to up to voluptuous hips, a softly rounded tummy and beautifully full breasts. He swallowed hard and quickly propped his knees up in the air, crossing one ankle over the knee. He’d gone rock hard somewhere around her hips and there was very little hiding it.
BB sat and faced the sea, her hair down around her shoulders. Apparently the tangle with the hat and dress had dislodged her ponytail too. Then he noticed the pinkness on her fair arms. “Do you have lotion? You’re going to be feeling the sun long after you leave if you’re not careful.”
BB dug in her bag, taking a sip of water from her water bottle. Then she unsnapped the cap on a tube of cream, squeezed some into her hand and began smoothing it onto her long legs.
Lincoln watched for a second, then realized what was happening and dropped his head to the sand, trying to get his breath. Then, unable to help himself, he had to look again. Her back was lean and strong, her arms sleek. It was obvious she got some kind of exercise because she had a very feminine strength to her. Lincoln lifted a hand, wondering if her skin was as soft as it looked.
Then she turned and held the tube of cream out. “I know this is trite but can you get my back?”
Fuck. He was going to have to sit up and he seriously doubted she would miss the tent he was pitching in his shorts.
He rocked to a sitting position and planted his elbows on his knees, taking the tube with one hand. His only saving grace was that she turned away to look out at the churning Pacific, waiting for him to slick the cream on. Link cursed under his breath, looking at the long line of her back in front of him. Her skin was fair and she had a few freckles scattered across her shoulders, like she’d been sunburnt as a kid. The swimsuit left most of her back bare, clear down to her hips. He could count every divot in her spine, and the two little depressions where his thumbs could rest as he pushed into her from behind.
Gritting his teeth he smoothed one hand over her back. She gasped, jerking away, and glanced at him with a smile. “Sorry, cold.”
Link took a moment to warm the cream in his hands before he swiped them over her shoulders. Moving very carefully, he tried to get every inch of exposed skin. He felt bad that his hands were so rough.
Fuck this was hard. How was he expected to stay in control with her delectable body literally in his hands? Pushing his fingers just below the edge of the suit, he swept across the width of her hips, then up the opposite side. Her skin had soaked up the cream so he squirted another dollop into his hand, warmed it, then began rubbing again.
BB moaned, her head resting in top of her knees. He realized she was watching him with a slight smile on her lips. He also realized he’d been rubbing lotion into her back for a very long time.
Dragging in a heavy breath, he pulled his hands away. “Sorry. I got a little lost there,” he admitted.
BB blinked at him. “Did you see me protesting?” She grinned at him.
He shook his head, trying to shield his erection from her by dropping an arm to his leg. BB followed the movement and he knew the moment she realized how strung up he was. Something in her expression became sharper, more aware, and her breathing picked up a little. If Link hadn’t been sitting next to her he probably wouldn’t have noticed the slight change.
Or the way her mouth parted, as if she were waiting for a kiss.
Clenching his jaw he looked out over the roiling sea. His insides felt just as churned up.
“Can I lotion your back?”
He started to shake his head when her words filtered into his mind. She hadn’t asked him if he wanted lotion. She’d asked him if she could put lotion on his back. Had she made that distinction consciously?
Link rolled over carefully, erection finally hidden from her gaze. This had to be better than staring at her body and not being able to have her.
Then her hands spanned across his shoulders, the cream making them glide across his muscles. He never wore sunscreen because his skin was already a little darker. He’d been in the desert for the past three months. But the feel of her rubbing the cream across his skin was fantastic. Lincoln could have died right then and he would have been happy.
Touch was what he missed most on his long deployments. Even though he and Alicia hadn’t gotten along very well, at the beginning of their relationship they’d touched a lot. Eventually he’d realized how fake she was, but even then he hadn’t been able to completely stop touching her. It was a controlled addiction. As BB ran her strong hands down his lats, then around his ribs and back up, he realized he was just as hard as ever.
Then she went up on her knees behind him to get leverage to really rub his muscles and Link could have cried. She was killing him with pleasure. Up and down her hands glided, fingers digging into the tense muscles along his spine. He hadn’t realized he’d been sore, but apparently he had been. Goosebumps pimpled his flesh, it felt so good.
Then he got a sharp visual of her leaning over him, her breasts swaying forward as she rode him, her long thighs flexing.
The erection that had been receding surged back, but there was no way he was going to tell her to stop. He was going to let the pleasure and pain fight, and pray the pleasure eventually won out. He would survive it.