Page 21 of Healing Home
“A few,” he promised, moving to the drawer.
* * *
BB losttrack of the orgasms she had. Lincoln had gotten her in the bed twice, and in spite of what he’d said Frankie’s virgin eyes may have seen more than she wanted to. Then they moved to the shower where he’d given her the best orgasm with his mouth, kneeling on the tile in front of her. The water began to chill, but at that point nothing could cool her pleasure.
Lincoln was built like a guy used to doing Iron Man competitions, and he had the stamina to prove it, as well as the finesse.
Eventually they did get dressed long enough to take the dog out into the back yard to wander around for a few minutes. Lincoln took her into his garage shop and showed her the 1938 Chevy truck he was slowly restoring.
“Wow. How long have you been working on this?”
His handsome face scrunched as he thought about it. “At least five years. Seems like I never have the time,” he shrugged.
It did look like he’d been working on it a long time. There were parts all across the floor against one wall, as if he’d laid them out in order of how they came off the truck. The engine sat in the corner draped with a tarp.
“Where did you find the truck?”
He looked at her for a long moment before moving to lean against the front fender. “It actually belonged to my dad. He worked on it for years, got the engine ready. But he never seemed to have the time either. Then Nate took it and worked on it for a while.”
“Well, maybe it’ll be something you pass on to your son,” she said softly.
Link looked startled at her words, then grimaced, shaking his head. “Nah. I wouldn’t do that to a kid. Too much sad history here.”
BB didn’t like the look in Lincoln’s eyes, like he knew what it was like to be saddled with an emotional project like this. She wondered if he would ever finish it, or keep it alive as some way to honor his father and brother. “You never know,” she said eventually.
Once he was involved with someone long term and had support, maybe his thoughts would change. Maybe once he’d had a child, his own child, his thoughts would change. His father’s legacy could change from one of pain to pride as he worked on it with his son. BB could almost see the child in her mind’s eye, looking up at Lincoln with worship in his eyes.
She swallowed heavily, turning away, shook at the thought of Lincoln giving some faceless woman a dark-haired baby that looked like him.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, hand on her shoulder.
BB nodded, smiling for him. “I think you would be a great dad,” she told him softly.
Lincoln’s hand fell away and his face closed down. “I’m not holding my breath. Kind of need a relationship to do that.”
Yes, true. BB didn’t pursue the subject. It wasn’t her place. She was here for one more day, then gone, heading back up the road with her dog. Back to her quiet cabin on the edge of Sequoia National park. She had work deadlines and responsibilities, and nieces and nephews to pamper.
Her heart ached just a little, okay, a lot, at the thought of leaving Link behind, leaving him alone.