Page 23 of Healing Home
“I want you in me, now.”
Link had one last brain cell that reminded him to get a damn rubber on, then he was right back behind her, shifting the crotch of her soaked panties out of the way so that he could slam himself into her. There was no hesitation this time, just a hard driving need. BB cried out as he began thrusting into her, but it was a moaning keen. Reaching around her hip he found her wet slit and slid a finger inside just a bit, just enough to barely stroke her clit. BB cried out and her body began to shudder. Wrapping his hand around her hips he held her upright as her legs seemed to give out. Link walked her forward enough to prop her knees on the mattress, but he was too greedy to let her go any further. Her body felt amazing propped up, grasping his, and he wanted to finish this way.
BB could obviously tell what he wanted because she found the energy to firm her stance, even rocking back into his surges, their bodies slapping. Link gripped her harder, then let up, afraid he was going to bruise her. She was so much smaller than he was.
“No, hold me,” she gasped, squeezing his hand against her.
There was a throbbing heat building, moving up his spine. Loosening his hips, he let the pleasure guide his movements, and his hands. One reached beneath them and cupped her breast through her bra. Pushing it out of the way, he rolled her nipple between his fingertips, and cupped the weight of it in his hand. Then, his legs going weak, the orgasm slammed into him. Link froze, letting the first hard edge hit, then began moving again to keep it rolling. BB held way too much of his weight on her back as his orgasm played out but he was beyond caring.
Eventually she rocked them forward to collapse onto the bed. Link held her tight, though, and they landed as one, still connected. She giggled beneath him, and he grinned as well. “I came in here to change my clothes,” he said eventually. “I can’t believe you backed onto my cock like that.”
She gasped and twisted her shoulders in his arms. “What? Me? Just how do you figure that? I was putting lotion on my legs!”
“Oh, is that what you were going?” He laughed.
She smacked him on the shoulder, laughing. “Just because your Lincoln Log is ruling your brain…”
He howled in laughter. “Lincoln Log. Oh, shit…Please don’t use that in your comic.”
Bb was grinning, one brow quirked at him. “You’re a sex machine.”
He lifted a brow at the description. “A sex machine? Really?” He thought for a moment. “Well, with you I am.”
Her expression softening, BB pressed a kiss to his lips, then pulled out of his arms. “Do I have time for a shower?”
“Yes. We both do.”
Instead of leaving him behind, she held out a hand. “I’ll scrub your back if you scrub mine.”
They took way too long in the shower, but neither one of them cared. There was a clock winding down in their minds, and they were very aware of how little time they had left together.
* * *
They arrivedat Mary and Black’s house almost two hours later than expected, and when he walked in Lincoln was immediately berated by every man in the backyard. BB’s eyes widened at the cacophony of noise, then she smiled. There was a lot of good natured ribbing going on and even knowing that it was coming, she had to blush a little. In spite of the shower she was still slick between her legs, her body ready for the next round of pleasure. Link had shoved her libido into overdrive.
So it made it a little hard to keep the guilt off her fair skin. They didn’t hold hands or anything when they walked in, but she would have if he’d wanted to.
No, maybe she wouldn’t have. No sense in giving anyone the impression she was staying any longer than tomorrow.
After they’d gotten done with the shower she’d dressed in another sun dress, this one a little more demure. It was in shades of sunset, which she thought was perfect for an evening barbecue. Lincoln had smiled at her softly, nodding. “You’re beautiful.”
Frankie had plopped down in front of him, as if she wanted attention as well. Lincoln had hunkered down and fondled the dog’s ears, sending her into orgasmic groans. The dog fell dramatically to the floor, big eyes begging Lincoln for belly rubs. “Oh, you’ve done it now,” BB warned. “She only does that when she really, really likes someone.”
BB leaned against the wall and just looked at the two of them. She wanted to grab her sketchbook, but she settled for snapping a picture with her phone. She had a feeling she was going to need it later.
Mary waved her over to a shaded patio. The Blacks’ house was beautiful, a long, low stucco structure big enough for the family Link said they had. They had walked around the back of the house, though, to the pool area, which was beautifully landscaped.
“I hope you don’t mind I brought Frankie.”
“Of course not!” Mary waved a hand, smiling broadly. “We have a lab wandering around somewhere. Probably trailing after the kids. Oh, great, you brought another fruit salad. Thank you for that. The kids really go through the fruit on these hot days.”
Mary took the big plastic grocery store container from her hands and turned toward an outdoor kitchen area. There were two long sagging tables set up against the wall, loaded with food. There had to be about thirty people here, separated into little groups here and there, but the area was big enough to be broken into little seating arrangements. It was mostly women here in the shade, and it looked like there was some kind of pavilion area on the far side for the guys. It was a fabulous setup for a backyard get together.
“I wasn’t sure what you needed,” BB said.
Mary placed the bowl on the table and turned to her with a smile. “This is perfect, really. You didn’t actually have to bring anything.”