Page 37 of Wicked Healing
Erin stood back and watched the two of them together. Luca had changed this week. There was a confidence to him that was shining, and she wondered what had changed. Was it just the thought of being kicked from the nest, metaphorically speaking?
No. She thought it was the realization that he would be starting his life over with his dog. For the second time that day tears started in her eyes.
* * *
Luca could barely containhis excitement. His ass was tired from sitting for so long and he could tell that his left leg was a little swollen. He needed to move and get the circulation going again.
Erin’s ranch was beautiful. The rust orange stucco house was long and low, with a covered porch along the front. There were a few steps up to the front and hardy bushes flanked them. There was green grass around the yard, so she must irrigate the fenced area.
Off the right side of the house, across the driveway, was a long dog run surrounded with an eight-foot covered fence. That must be where she’d been keeping Wicked.
He looked down at his dog, thrilled all over again that he hadn’t died in that explosion. Life had given them a gift. And as he stood under the sun breathing in the air free of disinfectants and chemicals, he was excited to see where it would lead.
“Would you like to see your apartment?” she asked, smiling up at him.
“I would,” he agreed.
“It’ll be easier if you drive back.”
She motioned toward the driveway that cut between the fenced enclosures to the two-story barn in back. There appeared to be a wide parking area back there.
With a quiet word to Wicked, he climbed back into his truck, the dog beside him in the passenger seat. Wicked was always ready to go anywhere.
Erin met them in the parking area. As soon as he turned off the truck, she reached for a box in the bed. Luca jumped out of the truck and waved her away. “I can unload. Don’t worry about the boxes.”
She lifted her brows at him. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Show me the apartment, please.”
Erin led him into the barn and about halfway down the shady aisle. A couple of horses peered over their stall doors, nickering hopefully. On the right hand side there was a very plain wooden door. When she opened it he realized there was a little mud room which led to a set of steps. Luca followed her up the stairs, taking just a little extra time to make sure that every step was deliberate and secure. Then they were at the top and he was looking at the space he’d impulsively accepted. It was bigger than he’d expected. Much bigger. And more open, the roof stretching tall. There was a kitchen to the right, outfitted with decent stainless steel appliances and a long counter top. Walking through the space he opened cupboard doors, and the fridge, then ran his hand along the counter. It wasn’t marble, but he wasn’t worried about that. After staying in a string of Forward Operating Bases and tents he could accommodate to anything.
The furniture was not new, but clean. Actually, considering he lived above horses, he was amazed at how clean everything was. The hardwood floors gleamed. It made him happy they were wood. Less for him to trip on.
Erin walked him through the apartment, pointing out things he needed to know. Then she turned into the bedroom. “Sorry if it’s a little feminine. It was a woman renting here last and she left a few things, like the gauzy purple curtains. There are heavier drapes in the hall closet but I can’t vouch for their trendiness. I put away the shaggy area rug she had on the floor. I thought it might trip you up.”
He looked down at her, impressed that she’d even thought about it. Him. His amputation. “Thank you for that.”
“No problem,” she said smiling. He smiled back at her and something shifted in her eyes, some feminine acknowledgement or something. He wasn’t sure what it was exactly, just that his entire body suddenly came to life and reacted, all his tiredness washed away. Luca glanced down her length, realizing that her hands were twisted in front of her. Was she upset about something?
Erin turned away quickly and headed to the left. “Here’s your bathroom. I’m afraid if you have visitors they’ll have to go through your sleeping area to get to it, but I didn’t design the space.”
Her cheeks flushed and she turned away again. Luca glanced in at the bathroom. Walk in tile shower was really nice. That was pretty much all he needed.
Following Erin from the room he wondered what she’d been thinking to make her blush like that. Oh, the visitors thing maybe? Luca grinned, wondering if the practical Ms. Knox was thinking about his bed partners.
Luca supposed their dynamics had changed now that he was out of the hospital. No more generic sweats and Ts. He was wearing a pair of jeans today, but he knew he would have to change into a pair of shorts soon. The AC was on but it was still pretty warm outside, and he had boxes to haul. He was proud of his service and what he’d done for the Navy, but he was still a little reluctant to show his leg off.
Wicked poked around, checking out the space where they’d be staying, then he jumped to the couch and curled up.
“I guess he’s picked his spot,” Erin murmured.
Luca snorted. “He’ll own this entire place by the time I get moved in. Believe me. The dog is a cover hog.”
Grinning, Erin crossed to sweep her hand over the dog’s head. “He knew something was up today.”
Turning to him, she gave him a smile. “Sure I can’t help you unload?”
Luca shook his head. “I’ll be fine. I can go at my own pace and decide where I want everything. Oh, before I forget.”