Page 60 of Wicked Healing

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Page 60 of Wicked Healing

“What time is your interview?”

Luca’s jaw tightened. “Ten o’clock. I need to get moving. Hampton sent me an email last night requesting I meet them at the K9 training facility with Wicked.”

Erin looked up at him in surprise. “Well, that’s different. They’re not wasting any time with you, are they? I told you you would be a hot commodity.”

“I just hope we can do everything they want.”

Erin pulled from his arms and turned to face him. “Are you serious? With the way you two work out? I don’t think you’ll have even a bit of problem.”

Those words rang in Luca’s head later that day as he was introduced to the group of people standing in the shade of the open-air building. There was an impressive gun range on the right-hand side of the property, and the left had false store fronts, cars and other obstacles for canine training. It was a great set-up.

Wicked seemed to sense that something big was happening. He was alert and unapproachable at this moment, and Luca hoped that didn’t detract. Some departments wanted their dogs a little more friendly.

Max Harper, the K9 supervisor, was a big, vocal guy, obviously used to getting his way. Hampton was almost the exact opposite, compact but sharp, and Luca had a feeling Hapton had more power. There was a patrol Lieutenant there as well, Clark, and two other men and one African American female who he didn’t catch the names of. Hampton directed everyone to a set of picnic tables and they all took seats, then they all began to ask him questions.

They didn’t ask anything Luca couldn’t answer, but he knew a few of the questions needed more politically correct answers, which he didn’t give them. He gave them his gut response to the situation presented.

Then they turned the physical interview over to Harper. Wicked listened to every command like his life depended upon it, and was right at Luca’s side the entire time. Luca could tell that Harper was trying to discombobulate him from the start, giving him a set of circumstances it would be difficult for any K9 team to get through, but they did it. Then he sent him on a track of an escaped person. Luca was impressed when he realized that they had hidden a man in a car even before the interview had started. Wicked found him easily. And when they were ‘attacked’ Wicked launched himself into the perfect defense bite, latching onto Harper’s forearm clad in the protective bite sleeve. Wicked released as soon as Luca gave him the direction and circled to heel. Luca could not have asked for a more perfect demonstration of Wicked’s abilities.

In all, he felt like they’d done a superb job. When they asked him to give them some time to talk, Luca and Wicked wandered away toward the parking lot. He got them both bottles of water and checked his phone.

It seemed like in no time, though, Harper was waving him back to the group. The woman stepped forward, holding out her hand. “Mr. Carmichael, my name is Louise Woods. I’m the chief of police for Phoenix PD. Sorry about the subterfuge, but we thought it prudent considering the circumstances. Mr. Hampton is determined to get you on board.”

Luca rolled with the shock of her identity. He’d had other supervisors do similar things before. He was curious why they felt the need this time, but he shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

“You and Wicked are amazing. We’d like to offer you employment, conditional on your completion of the upcoming police academy.”

Luca grinned and nodded his head. “Absolutely, ma’am. Thank you very much for the opportunity.”

The Chief had been one of the more quiet people interviewing him but as she spoke now he could totally understand why she’d attained the position she had. Her brown eyes were sharp with intellect and he could tell by the way she stood that she’d been a beat cop for a long time.

“We’d like to do some publicity on you,” she continued, watching him carefully. “We’ve hired several veterans and we like the public to be aware of that. Because of our climate we have a very large year-round veteran homeless population, and it’s nice to see the upside of veterans rather than just the downside.”

“I would totally be on board with that,” Luca nodded. No, he didn’t like his picture taken and all that crap, but if it was for a veteran cause he would do it.

Harper came up to him, grinning. “Sorry about being a hardass on you, boy, but it was all part of the test.”

Luca grinned. “Seriously?”

Harper nodded, scrubbing a hand over his mostly bald head. The man’s demeanor had completely changed, his face more relaxed. “You have an incredible animal there,” he said, nodding at Wicked. “Don’t tell my people I said it but you did things they struggle with. Might have you helping me out with some of my problem children.”

Luca took his offered hand. “I would be happy to, sir.”

A grinning Hampton gave him a stack of pre-employment papers and instructions on what to do next. They wanted him in the academy the following week, so he had to get his medical and the rest of his tests done as quick as possible.

When they released him he drove away, but he had to pull over into an empty lot just to get his head on straight and breathe for a few minutes. There were so many emotions roiling through him. Pride in the job they’d done, satisfaction that they’d remembered everything. A little fear of what was coming, but excitement too. He drove home grinning.

Erin came out onto the porch when she heard the truck. She was grinning before he even climbed out, and he wondered what she was smiling about.

“Why are you grinning?” he asked her.

“Because I can see on your face how satisfied you are. Even if you didn’t get the job that look tells me the process was worth going through.”

“And if I did get the job?”

She laughed and stepped down a step so that they were eye level. “Then I would tell you congratulations, even though I already knew you had it in the bag.”

He shook his head at her as he stepped close. “I don’t know why you have so much confidence in me.”

“Because I love you, darling. And I don’t think there’s anything that you and Wicked can’t do. I assume Wicked is part of that job?”

He nodded, nibbling at her lips. “He is, yes. We kicked ass. He hadn’t forgotten anything.”

“It’s not been that long since you were working.”

Luca pulled her into his arms, a little stunned at how little time had actually passed. “Yes, you’re right. Just feels longer sometimes.”

He rested his cheek against hers and pulled her hips tight to his. “Maybe we can go inside and celebrate?”

Without a word she turned and led him inside.

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