Page 17 of Embattled Return
Once he was undressed, he rolled onto his side to peer down at her. “You are stunning. I missed you like crazy, and not just because I had to take care of the boys.”
Shannon’s eyes darkened. “I missed you, too. I’m glad I went to the conference, but I missed you desperately. And when the plane was delayed, I about cried. I’m so used to seeing you every day...” She nuzzled at his jaw, running her nails over his chest. “We don’t have long. Between the kids waking from their nap and the dinner, we only have a couple of hours to do everything we want.”
He grinned, cocking a brow at her. “Well, I guess I’d better get going, then...”
Leaning in he kissed her like he’d wanted to all day, without others watching or being nearby. Shannon moaned into his mouth, her breath sweet with her own distinctive flavor. With one hand he traced his fingers down her bare shoulder, down her chest and over her nipple. Nudging the towel away he drifted over her tummy and to the patch of dark curls at the apex of her thighs. With a breathy little sigh, she lifted one knee, a clear invitation. John didn’t need any further urging, his fingertip teasing along the seam of her lips. Shannon had already been thinking about this little interlude, because her own arousal eased the path of his finger inside.
John could have groaned at the feel of her wetness. His dick hardened to the point of pain, but he wanted to, needed to, make sure she was taken care of first. No matter what time constraints they were under. She deserved it and she needed it.
Leaning down to press kisses to her shoulder and chest, he slipped one finger inside her folds, finding her clitoris. Her body tightened around his fingers, a clear indication he was touching her the right way, and he stroked harder. With a breathy sigh her hips surged into his touch, arching in time with his movements.
Lowering his head, he took her lips again, moving with her subtle shifts and grinds. Then he began to vary his touch the way he knew she loved, going deep into her body, then shallower along her clit. Within just a couple of minutes her body began to twitch and quiver.
“Oh, John...”
His own body ached, but pride demanded that he satisfy her first. She had to find pleasure with him, every single time.
And when the orgasm gripped her body in a convulsive spasm, the shared pleasure was almost enough to push him over the edge as well. His cock swelled at the sight and sound and even smell of her pleasure. It was glorious.
It took her a few moments to come back to him, her lashes lifting as she looked up at him and smiled. “That was incredible. But I think I need more.”
“Good,” he chuckled. “I know I do.”
She laughed, swirling her fingernails over the hair of his chest. He shivered, anticipating the pleasure to come. “I want you to ride me,” he whispered.
Immediately, she shifted, going high above him. John rolled to his back, pushing his legs where he needed them. Then Shannon was lifting her own long, sleek thigh over his hips. No matter how many times they did this, he cherished the sight. She was a beautiful woman, and he was proud and humble that she had chosen him as her life partner. He never would have imagined he would be good enough for her and every day he tried to be the best man he could be, for her.
Because this is what he got in return; a hot woman who craved his battered, broken body and found something to love about him.
Holding her softly rounded hips in his hands, he guided her onto his cock. “Fuck,” he breathed as she sank down onto him. Her damp hair hung to the side, just brushing her breast. She felt so damn good. He adjusted his own hips on the bed, then pulled her close. He loved feeling the cushion of her breasts against his chest and looking down to see the depth of her cleavage.
“You are such a great piece of ass,” he murmured, teasing her in for a kiss.
Shannon giggled. “Thank you for the compliment. Your peepee is pretty nice as well,” she breathed.
“My big peepee,” he corrected, drawing her hips tight to his own. They both gasped, finding that sweet, sweet position that they both loved.
Then Shannon went still, her head cocked toward the door. “What the hell...I think the kids are awake,” she breathed. “I hear Old McDonald. Damn it.”
Fuck... John focused on the feel of her body gripping his. They were on a deadline now, and she hadn’t had her second orgasm. They started moving, each of them aware that their little interlude could be derailed at any moment. The door was shut, of course, but... Shannon sat up on his hips and her head fell back as she rode him, her breasts swaying and her fingers tightening on his chest spasmodically. She knew that he wouldn’t come until she did again.
The Wheels on the Bus started to play. There were only three more short songs.
Shannon reached down and rubbed her clit as she rocked on him, and John could feel the beginning of her orgasm. Her grip on his cock tightened, and she began to moan. His own release was climbing, fast, and he prayed that she would get there quick, because he was holding his release back, deliberately not hitting that perfect spot. Then she was there, giving that sweet, high keen she had as pleasure overwhelmed her. She cried out and slammed down onto him, and John shifted that tiny little bit to find his release. He jacked up into her, his body no longer under his control, and let the pleasure take him. The final strains of Pop Goes the Weasel drifted through the house, and Shannon disintegrated into giggles.
Logan snapped awake, his legs throbbing. Glancing around the room, he tried to figure out what time it was. A shaft of sunlight streamed across the bed, obliterating his vision. The alarm clock sat just beyond the light. Curling into a sitting position, he breathed through the pain. Obviously, he’d slept through his last dose of pain medication.
Lowering his legs to the floor, he wiggled his toes, trying to get the circulation running again. Finally, he was able to see the alarm clock. 603 pm. Marigold had dropped him off a couple of hours ago, and he must’ve immediately crashed.
Whatever. He could always use a nap, considering he barely slept through the night. Ever.
Feeling like his legs had recovered, he pushed to his feet and staggered to the bathroom. When he returned, he sank into the office chair and turned to face the plate glass window.
The jagged, snow-capped mountain skyline called to him. As they’d driven into the city earlier it had drawn his attention over and over again. Something about it appealed to his sense of alone-ness. From here there was no way he could see people on the mountain range, and it was easy to imagine he was the only one around. If he looked down, he could see the moving traffic and even some people on the sidewalks below, but the mountains called to him. Since this trip was open-ended, maybe he would take some time to explore those mountains.
Then reality crashed in and he looked down at his legs. Maybe not.