Page 2 of Embattled Return
Speaking of phone, I’m tryong to converse, by battery. Not sure but I think I might have left cord at the hotel. May have. Which is it? Anywhere, I’m at 18% and dying. I’’l see if someone has a cord I can use. There’s a guy down the row from me that has every coord imaginable, it looks like, and he keeps smiling at me. You’d probably like him. Maybe I’’l ask him for power.
Shut, John. Shit. They just announced that all flights are cancelled until further notice. They have that deicer stuff but apparently it keeps refreezing and the snow keeps coming down. The wine lady up here says that it happens a good bit. I guess I get to hang out for a while longer. It’s been the longest week ever, babe...
You know, I’ve been thinking. I think I want another baby. What do you think? I’m gonna go see what that wine is because I think the girls would love it. I know I dooo. Maybe is just hitting me so hard cuz I never get a chance tp drink.
I love you babe. Stay strong. And hard. Lol
PS I won’t comalpnabout the water bill. probly.
Holy fuck. The woman was drunk and about to ask a man she didn’t know for juice.
John read over the email again, wondering what the heck he was going to do about tomorrow? The Columbus team was coming to the office tomorrow, and they were hashing out some personnel issues before they signed the final contract. How the hell was he supposed to get the kids to the doctor at 930 when the meeting was at 900?
For the first time in a long time he felt inadequate, and it pissed him off. It was not Shannon’s job to raise his kids. It should be both of their responsibility, and he realized how much he had taken her natural mothering for granted. Shannon had been born to have children, and she made it all look so effortless. She was such a natural mother.
But, another one? He didn’t know about that. At least not right now.
As he thought about the past two years, he realized he hadn’t been responsible for his own children for more than a few hours alone in that entire time. And in that two years this was the first time Shannon had really gone out alone. There had been a girls’ trip with some of the other wives last year, but his in-laws had been here to help out with the twins that weekend. Just like they had been this week. Literally, they had only left today for Arizona because they knew Shannon was flying home tonight.
John started to feel a little offended. Did she not think he could take care of them? No, she wouldn’t be like that. He knew for a fact she saw him as more of a man than anyone else in his life.
Caden conked out first. Very carefully, John hoisted him against his shoulder, trying to squeeze him between his upper arm and chin and still manipulate the wheels of the chair. This was the only time he ever wished for an electric chair. Normally he was okay with wheeling himself around. His lightweight racing chair was maneuverable and faster than any electric chair. Well, it wasn’t faster than his tracked unit out in the garage, but that wasn’t a normal vehicle anyway. But times like these were fleeting. The boys were growing like crazy, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to do this much longer.
When he rolled into the room, he saw it was already made up for bed. Thanks, Mom, he thought, wishing he could give Shannon’s mother one last hug. She was so amazing. He couldn’t ask for any better in-laws.
Caden snuffled in his sleep as John placed him on the mattress and he went still. Should he change the boy’s pull-up? Nah, he’d just let him sleep. He’d deal with it if he woke in the night.
Pulling the light blanket up to Caden’s chin, John began to pull back. Then Wyatt was there, climbing into the bed with his brother. Smiling at the boys, and their connection to each other, John tucked them in, then drew back.
They had two toddler beds in the room, not that it did any good. From a young age one or the other of the boys would escape their cribs and climb into the other’s. Usually it was Wyatt climbing into Caden’s, because Wyatt was a little bigger and stronger and it was easier for him to get out. Every morning Shannon found them cuddled together, and sometimes she found them cuddled together with Gray Cat. It was damn cute and more than once John wished he’d had that kind of comfort when he was a kid in the orphanage. He’d had a brother but it hadn’t done him any good at that time.
Now, though, he considered Aiden one of his best friends as well as his brother. The relationship had developed into more than he ever could have dreamed.
A lot had happened that he never could have imagined for himself. It had been a little more than ten years since he’d been injured, and he could still remember sitting in his chair on the balcony at Walter Reed, wondering if he was high enough up to die if he made it over the railing. He hadn’t been in a good head space then, even with Duncan and Chad’s friendship, and if he could have figured out a way to off himself he probably would have.
And if he had, he never would have seen his beautiful sons. Reaching out, he ran his hand over Wyatt’s soft hair. It was as dark as his own, but Caden’s was beginning to lighten, more like Shannon’s chocolate brown.
And Shannon. If he’d offed himself he never would have felt the love of such an amazing woman. Every day with her was a blessing, and he didn’t say that lightly. He wasn’t wild about churches or religion for personal reasons, but he could recognize the fact that miracles happened. Shannon was his miracle and salvation, on so many levels.
Worry edged in and he wanted to talk to her. Wheeling out of the boys’ bedroom he headed toward their bedroom. Parking in front of the window, he drew out his phone and pressed the appropriate buttons. ICE-Shannon. He knew he was under her own In Case Of Emergency listing.
The phone on her end rang several times before dropping to voicemail. Maybe she had her tablet out and was trying to conserve her phone battery. Swiping through the screens he found the messenger app and PM’d her. No response, and there was no little checkmark that she’d seen the message. Fuck...
He was left to stew in his own juices as he sent her a message to call him. Then, with no other options for procrastination, he rummaged beneath the kitchen sink to find supplies to clean out his vomit-reeking truck.
* * *
I’m settledin my hotel and my wine buzz has worn off. Lol! Assuming they get the ice under control I’m booked on the morning flight home. I won’t make it in time for the boys’ appointment, so you’ll still have to do that. Sorry. You know where the office is, right? Dr. Patterson. Oh, and be warned. I think they’re getting the HepA shot. Sorry. :-)
I’m goingto head to bed. I’m stressed out from worrying. I placed a wake-up call with the front desk so that I won’t miss my shuttle. I’m not sure where my phone cord is. I either left it at the hotel or threw it in my checked bag. Either way, I’ll get a new one in the morning and charge as much as possible before I get on the plane.
I love you dearly,John. Stay strong! Lol